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Husband is Cranky

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My husband and I have been together for almost 9 years and married for 4. We have had our rough times, but for a while he was taking an anti anxiety medicine. For over a year. When he didn't take it, he would rip my head off every chance he got. Even for one day that he would miss the medicine. Now he says, after all this time, that he doesn't need the medication. He stopped taking it about 4 months ago. I feel like all we have done since he stopped taking it is fight. If I say anything to him about taking it again, of course, it starts a fight. He tells me if I would listen better or pay closer attention, that he wouldn't get so mad at me. I feel like it is not my fault that I get my head bit off all the time. I don't want feel like I should spend my life walking on egg shells just so I don't piss him off.

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Did he ever seek counselling/therapy for his anxiety? Why did he go off his meds? The anxiety isn't just going to go away on it's own, he needs to go talk to someone (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) who is trained in dealing with people who have anxiety disorders.


Do some reading up on anxiety, understand it, be supportive..I know it isn't easy when he's not feeling well, and he's wrong in taking it out on you - But how much of that is the anxiety/depression (is he depressed as well?) or is it him? Did he have anger outburts before he had an anxiety problem?

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No therapy. He also is just tired of taking pills all the time. I do understand that.


He is not considered depressed. Just anxiety. And no I never have outburst. Usually I just sit and let him yell and then ask "are you done?" I do understand he can't help it. It just gets old after a while of understanding when you know he can be better. He also has told me he feels better when he takes the meds. So I think they help him all around!

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