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Good Friends But i think we could be more?

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Theres this waitress at work shes so awesome shes beautiful shes funny shes everything im looking for cause she also knows how to do home repair cause her husbands lazy and stupid shes showed me all the work shes done and its awesome any ways i like this woman alot!! im constantly thinking about her and doing what ever it takes to go see her and talk to her i cant get

enough of her but shes married and she says that her husbands an ******* to her and shes an ******* to him i assume the only reason thyere still together is for the two kids but they might be getting a divorce anyways how could i explain how i feel about her with out like scaring her away i really like her and i hope she likes me back please give me some advice

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first of all - use punctuation!

I read your post and ran out of breath!!:laugh:


secondly, many married women will have a jolly good rant about their husbands, to anyone who will listen. Women seem to be more forthcoming about getting things off their chest, so make sure, before you do anything at all, that her intention to divorce is serious, and not just her expressing her gripe. She may just be seeing you as a friend, on which she can offload.



If you like a woman because she can do home repairs... I'm asking myself if what you're like at home repairs...!

I doubt very much she'd want to get involved with another bloke who is as inept as her husband!

I'd steer clear. It may just be an infatuation and getting involved with a person at work is a recipe for potential diaster....

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