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Am I missing something?

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I met this girl at work. We became like instant friends, we think alike, we have the same type of humour and we have this intense ability to read exactly what the other is thinking. Its like we don't even have to say it and the other knows. You know something is just there!


She's 18 and I'm 21. She has a boyfriend.

The thing is. We go out for dinner with a couple of friends and she just wants me all to herself, conversation wise. Which is cool because in my mind oh maybe she's shy and isn't really good at meeting new people.

So I think she's shy right? We're all just standing there waiting for our table just chatting when she reaches over to grab my scarf and plays with it for maybe a minute and then proceeds to ask me what I'm looking at. (as i was staring out the window, just looking). Remind you, everyone was there and watching so how shy can she be right? Now I know playing with clothing is a serious sign of interest but it doesn't stop here.


So as were sitting at the booth eating, as my hand was resting on the table just fidgeting with a napkin she reaches over to my hand and just puts it there on top of mine, very firm so I wasn't able to move. And she just stares at me. not just a stare, it was an intense stare as if she was reading my face... After a while she lets go and we continue eating. At that point I'm confused because I remember how she says she doesn't like to cheat.. so I'm still thinking, no way.


Time goes by were done our meals were sitting there chatting. She tells me about her boyfriend and how its been 2 years and that she's getting bored and that she's going to break up with him this year maybe. As she says this her hand brushes my thigh and it wasn't a 1 second touch it was full on feel. Although it may be accidental , this wasn't the first time . as our bodies had bumped several times earlier that evening, "accidentally" as well.


I know she's full on flirting with me but days later I read her SN and it says "I love and miss you (boyfriends name)". I had a gut feeling she was compensating for some kind of guilt.


I'm getting this 'I want you but I can't' vibe from her.. maybe I'm wrong.


Oh yeah, if you hadn't caught on yet, yes I'm attracted to her.


Guys, whats going on? I need a different perspective here, another point of view maybe? because I might be seeing things.

Edited by CrudeMood
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It sounds like it's exactly the vibe you think it is. If she makes a bigger move, be sure to confront her with it and be the friend every boyfriend will eventually have to be. Be ready to make it clear you don't want to cause drama in her life and that she needs to make a decision. That is if you really want a relationship with her. If you just want to fool around, again be honest if things get more obvious. But insure that you don't have a jealous boyfriend hunting you down with a shotgun. (I wouldn't touch a person in a relationship with a ten foot pole - but that's just me! :laugh:)

Take care of you - be specific and clear - and don't turn a good situation into a bad one.

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first off. . . lucky you


second off. . . sucks to be in your position


Okay, so this girl is making it very obvious that she likes you a lot, and is probably thinking a lot about you and her together. Unfortunately she is not single (which always seems to be the problem nowadays) which means she is not available to you. She probably likes you because of the connection you have, you're probably older than her boyfriend (more mature) and you guys must be physically attracted to each other as well.


You can either wait it out (which will take a lot of time. . .and probably not worth it), confront her about it (which can go in your favor or against), OR engage in an affair. That's pretty much the three options you have going for you; it's up to you to decide what type of person you want to be.

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The fact she has a boyfriend should be enough for you to morally steer clear of her. As the poster above said, you can wait for her to end her current relationship which in itself can be a hard fought task and then there’s the possibility she could enjoy the single life and will refuse to settle down in another relationship, and of course she could break up with her current boyfriend and get with you.


You could be flavour of month to her though, as you say she has said she is bored being in a committed relationship of two years and you could a person that brings some temporary excitement into her life, so I’m not sure you should read too much into it.


I certainly wouldn’t wait for her, or waste my time contemplating the future. If I was you, I wouldn’t place all of my eggs into one basket in case the handle breaks. Just live your life and let nature take its course, there could someone else waiting for you to cross their path that doesn't have all the complexities of being in a long term relationship.

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Thanks you three for confirming my thoughts. I wasn't so sure because , well, sometimes your thoughts go crazy on matters like these.


I think, I'm going to go with option B, You know, confront her about it so things aren't so awkward with her anymore because no, i'm NOT waiting it out or going to put all my egglings in one basket :p

The only thing I'm afraid of is jeopardizing the friendship we have and although I doubt she'll leave me because of my confession, there's always the chance that it might. I have a gut feeling there is a big chance she might have similar feelings towards me..just that the gut feeling doesn't bring me as far as her breaking up with her boyfriend to be with me (pssh, that only happens in fairy tales) because if there's a boyfriend in the picture, she's going to have to choose.. monogamy all the way! even if its with him :sick:

Plus i don't want to become his enemy if he was to find out and then murder me. I'm not sure shes worth dying for.. yet..

I'm just hoping for a good turnout whether it be just friends or more.:bunny:

Cross your fingers:o

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