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Why do I even like him?


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There's this guy I like. He's one of those hard-ass type guys. I know he's not good for me. My family doesn't want him seeing me, they say he's a womanizer. And he is. He tells me no more games and doesn't want to talk to me but then we end up talking anyway. He's the one playing the games. I don't know what it is I like about him and I really don't want to like him. We really just have chemistry.


We only talk via text message because he lives an hour away where my family lives. We do talk on the phone too but we hide it. His best friend is my cousin and my cousin does not want him seeing or talking to me.


I almost feel like I want to keep seeing and talking to him because it's forbidden. We have slept together as well. It was meaningless but I would really like to do it again but really can't. Various reasons. I've NEVER had meaningless sex with anyone. I know he's not sleeping with anyone else, or so he tells me. He's nothing really special, I just like him. It's not like he's even hot or anything. He's just cute in my eyes.


He's got nothing going for him, he's a bartender and is 30. I'm 23. He would never be longterm bf material. My bf and I broke up recently and we want to make it work but we're not together right now. I don't want my relationship with this other guy to go on forever because I want to be with my bf but I can't bring myself to end it. AHHHHH!! Why am I so crazy? Please tell me.



PS. I read somewhere on the internet "temptation is what Adam and Eve is all about". :) Thought that was an appropriate quote.

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I would like to add something more to that. You can have your cake and eat it too, but make sure there's no food poisoning in it. ;)


And you're attracted to him because he excites you. I'm sure that you'll be able to work it out. If anything once you lose that need to be with him, you can always break it off.

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