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Well,I dont really know where to start. My problems arent nearly as serious as the others on the board but I dont know what else to do. Im still in high school so I havent lived even a large portion of my life yet... but ive still experienced a heck of a lot more than other kids my age ...anyway I found that I am very attracted to this guy I know. I cant stop thinking about him...its come to the point where I feel compleatly useless when i'm not with him. I just kind of shut down and I become a different person and other people have noticed it. he keeps sending mixed messages, and I cant tell what he's thinking. I dont know what to do. and Ive never been know to get crazy over guys. I just want someone to tell me what to do....anything. I am very insecure at the time and afraid of rejection. I just dont know what to do.. Ive been looking everywhere I wish I was religous so I could pray or something,yet ive been raised in a catholic school .so I dont know any other faith....just the fact that catholesism isnt right for me anyway,Ive looked everywhere,even horiscopes....I just cant think straight ...plus 2 of my best friends have little things for him as well. Please...I know this letter is kind of commen,but if you have any advice please send it ...Ill take anything I can get

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Blair, hey relax. in everyones life a little rejection comes and i have yet to meet anyone who enjoys it.. go talk this guy. tell him how you feel.. what do you have to loose? and if you don't go and talk to him you have already lost.. you can do it and believe me you will live through it. good luck James

Well,I dont really know where to start. My problems arent nearly as serious as the others on the board but I dont know what else to do. Im still in high school so I havent lived even a large portion of my life yet... but ive still experienced a heck of a lot more than other kids my age ...anyway I found that I am very attracted to this guy I know. I cant stop thinking about him...its come to the point where I feel compleatly useless when i'm not with him. I just kind of shut down and I become a different person and other people have noticed it. he keeps sending mixed messages, and I cant tell what he's thinking. I dont know what to do. and Ive never been know to get crazy over guys. I just want someone to tell me what to do....anything. I am very insecure at the time and afraid of rejection. I just dont know what to do.. Ive been looking everywhere I wish I was religous so I could pray or something,yet ive been raised in a catholic school .so I dont know any other faith....just the fact that catholesism isnt right for me anyway,Ive looked everywhere,even horiscopes....I just cant think straight ...plus 2 of my best friends have little things for him as well. Please...I know this letter is kind of commen,but if you have any advice please send it ...Ill take anything I can get
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Well,I dont really know where to start. My problems arent nearly as serious as the others on the board but I dont know what else to do. Im still in high school so I havent lived even a large portion of my life yet... but ive still experienced a heck of a lot more than other kids my age ...anyway I found that I am very attracted to this guy I know. I cant stop thinking about him...its come to the point where I feel compleatly useless when i'm not with him. I just kind of shut down and I become a different person and other people have noticed it. he keeps sending mixed messages, and I cant tell what he's thinking. I dont know what to do. and Ive never been know to get crazy over guys. I just want someone to tell me what to do....anything. I am very insecure at the time and afraid of rejection. I just dont know what to do.. Ive been looking everywhere I wish I was religous so I could pray or something,yet ive been raised in a catholic school .so I dont know any other faith....just the fact that catholesism isnt right for me anyway,Ive looked everywhere,even horiscopes....I just cant think straight ...plus 2 of my best friends have little things for him as well. Please...I know this letter is kind of commen,but if you have any advice please send it ...Ill take anything I can get




How do you feel about asking him out? I know it must sound pretty scary. But a lot of men have the same fear of rejection as you do. But because society tells us that it's the man's job to pursue, they have to either bury their fears or not go out. So if you ask him out and he says no, then you only have to deal with the rejection for a little while. And at least you'll know what he thinks and you won't have to worry about that anymore. And if he says yes, great, you'll be on clould nine.

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