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Want to gain weight. Suggestions?

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Im 17, 18 in 8 months. I did have a gastro-intestinal problem like 2 years ago. I had a feeding tube through the nose for a while. But the problem is corrected and my whole life ive had the problem of not being able to gain weight. I weigh about 100-105 or so now. Which is the most ive ever weighed. Im short though about 5"0'. I try eating alot of the stuff i hear people say is fatening.. alotta bread.. ice cream. Anything! But i just cant gain weight. The fat i do have right now is in my upper legs/butt. But i want more, I want it even, if at all possible. Forget even, I just want to be bigger. Anyone have any ideas/suggestions? Its so hard for me and i dont like bein this old and this small, to me i dont look normal... thanks in advance.

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- exercise! muscles will make you bigger.


- eat a nutritious diet - don't overdo ice-cream, etc.


- 105lbs at 5'0'' isn't THAT small! i'm 5'6'' and about 113lbs...


good luck,


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Well I just feel little.. All my friends my age are big(er) and on diets and stuff. No i dont want to be big and on a diet but I want to look healthy. Im a cheerleader, (6th year of cheering coming up). Im athletic. I work, at a fast food place. Im active. I just dont know what to do anymore. Nothing seems to work.

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You don't want to add bodyfat...chances are that's not an issue. When people are underweight or particular about being slim, it is muscular bodyweight that is of concern.


That being said (I use that phrase too much), your genetics are probably such that you will NEVER be big. You have a petite build and a likely high metabolism. You are going to be genetically limited like everyone else is, but you can still improve your body composition.


In order to improve your muscular mass, the only effective way is by proper strength training. Participating in serious lifting will stimulate your appetite and growth of WORTHWHILE tissue. When I say serious, I mean throw away the pink plastic dumbbells and the rubber bands hooked to the door. Forget the crap that they try to push on women as "training." You want to get into progressive strength training on the big, compound lifts: squats, deadlifts, chins, rows, bench/chest press, dips, overhead press. Couple that with regular meals of relatively unprocessed foods and you'll grow as much as DNA will let you.


I will add that this is a matter of your perception. You may not be unhealthy at all, just insecure. There are some of us out here that rather like the petite look. :c)

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My mom tells me she was my size when she was my age.. and sooner or later it will catch up with me. Everybody tells me that. I can kind of see what shes talkin about. She said it'll start off in my upper legs/thighs. Which is true so far, my upper legs are the only thing i can see a change in.

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I'm 36 years old and have the exact same problem all of my life up until recently. I am 5 feet tall and weigh only 102lbs. Four months ago I weighed 88lbs.


How did I do this do you ask? Eat regularly, and I mean it!!! Eat small portions of "good" food and any kind of junk in between, even if you don't want it.......EAT. I started choking down breakfast and that made a huge difference in my appetite. I found that I was actually getting hungry when it was mealtime. Wowsers am I impressed......I look fantastic.....I feel like a normal person. I have gained almost 15 pounds. No-one else really notices until I point it out (because as they say, I look normal now)


PM me anytime....I would be happy to coach you along. I have a friend that makes me promise to eat....and I wouldn't lie to this person. I also made a deal with my family......when they eat; I eat. When I eat; they eat with me.


Luck has nothing to do with it......you have to eat.



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Instead of focusing on what you weigh, focus more on being healthy. Eat right, exerecise properly, and build a good self esteem. What people weigh is primarily governed by genetics. Sometimes you can change your weight and sometimes you can't. Consider yourself lucky...most women struggle to lose weight.

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I'm sorry to say this, but that is not the kind of thing you say to someone who wants to put weight on! Take it from me, whenever someone said to me "you should be so lucky! you don't have any problems compared to me.....I can't loose the weight" That's not help..........to a thin person who is trying to help herself - that's an insult!


Society does not see thinness as a problem - well it is for some of us! Imagine if you only weighed 100lbs and you got pneuomonia? Who do think would survive? The overweight person or the underweight person? There is a good arguement on both sides. But please, never, never again say to a thin person - you should be so lucky! We don't consider it lucky at all, we think we are ugly.


Sorry to blast you like this, but this is very close to my heart because I have tried all my life to put the weight on. Even after my two children I maintained nothing - not a pound. I don't enjoy shopping in the girls department!



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It is an insult to me, I said in my first post that I was really sick about 2 years ago. I had tests done like nothing ive ever heard of. Because I was sick to my stomach 24/7 and I couldnt go anywhere or eat. They made me have a feeding tube which was just a big mess. I had to go to school with it and people i thought were my friends even stared at me. Finally they found the problem, i had no fat in side my guts so my aorta was 'strangling' my intestines and almost no food could go through so it just stayed in my stomach and made me sick. They thought the feeding tube would help but i went without it for a little while one time when it got stopped up and they saw that i was gaining a little bit of weight.. a few pounds. So they took it away for good and slooowwly i gained about 10 or 15 lbs.. over about 2 1/2 yrs. Some days are better than others, but i just get discouraged when i see how great my friends look then i look at myself. Gaining weight is so hard for some, and almost impossible for others, people might think 'i wished i had that problem' but theres more to it. When you see a skinny girl walkin in the mall, dont be so sure she's happy with herself or that shes healthy.

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  • 6 months later...

aight, I'm 18, 5'4 and 83 lbs. it is the most aggrevating feeling to have people constantly tell you that you are skinny and knowing that that wasn't a compliment. I admit i don't eat a lot but i know for a fact that i eat just as much as a person who weighs normally. I also notice that i can eat anything and anytime I'm craving sumthin but that's the thing...i never crave food. solution to how to gain weight??? eat...really its the only solution. how do u eat a lot? smoke weed!

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You may want to consider having your thyroid checked, just to make sure there's no other physiological culprit. Mine, as it turns out, is normal. I'm 5'4" and 102 lbs.


Good Luck,

Naturally High Metabolism

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Hi, you should look at the Body Mass Index (BMI), it'll help you find out if your the "right" weight for your height.


BMI Calculator HERE


Just for fun take a look at the Life Expectancy Calculator aswell, according to that i'm goin to live till i'm 87.5 years old :eek:.

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What's a stone again? 14 lbs?


Agh. There it is in teeny print. Good memory, I have LOL.


Just as well 'cause I'll be around 'til I'm 92.6 :D:bunny:

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Originally posted by moimeme

What's a stone again? 14 lbs?


Agh. There it is in teeny print. Good memory, I have LOL.


Just as well 'cause I'll be around 'til I'm 92.6 :D:bunny:


hey, just think we both might still posting here in 2050 :D (i have 'til about 2070 if that calc is right :p)

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Oh gosh - my life expectancy is 97.8 years!! Guess I had better cultivate some new hobbies! On the plus side, this means that I am not middled aged yet :p


Interestingly, my BMI was classified as underweight, but on other sites (http://nhlbisupport.com/bmi/bmicalc.htm) it is listed in the "normal" range. I would have thought that a British site would have been more stringent than a US one, considering how much of our population is overweight, but this is apparently not the case.


For what it's worth (back to the original point of this thread), I don't think that ~100 pounds at 5'0" is too thin, especially in your teens. I think part of the problem is explained by what I touched on above: with the statistic for being overweight in the US at 65% of the population, people who are thin are looking even thinner when compared to their peers. I have noticed this with my kids. They are actually of a healthy weight but because so many other kids are chubby (or fat), they tend to be labeled as "skinny." And for some reason, people who understand that it is an insult to call someone 'fat' have no problem calling someone 'skinny.'


Just remember that you will have your revenge as an adult, when all those who think you are skinny now will be envying your figure. Actually, that's what could be going on now, too!

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people who are thin are looking even thinner when compared to their peers.


I'm sure that's it. People call me 'thin' all the time when, really, I'd consider myself 'normal' (in weight, anyway :laugh: ). It's just that so many people are larger by comparison now.

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I'm sure that's it. People call me 'thin' all the time when, really, I'd consider myself 'normal' (in weight, anyway :laugh: ). It's just that so many people are larger by comparison now.


Have you been sized out of clothes? It's interesting to me that my weight has remained pretty much the same since high school... But whereas I used to be a size 9, I am now a 4 or 6, depending on the brand. I suspect that designers have made their clothes roomier, so that women would get a psychological boost at being able to wear, say, an 8 rather than a 12 (and then buy more from that designer).

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Ok 5' and around 100 lbs right? You are ok. You are beautiful! I am 5'9" and weight 125. When I was 18 I was only 102 at 5'9".....could you imagine adding almost a foot to you and no weight!


I looked so tall and lanky! I remeber how I was about seeing most of my bones and guys liking the more shaply girls. Even though I wear a DD!!! Go figure! I never really hated the way I looked but wanted someone (a guy) to find me attractive.


Any how after many years of hating my weight I started to "fill out". I am still considered thin by almost all of my peers. Because it so happens when it starts to catch up to you it starts to catch up with them also.


So in the end you are still thinner even though you are no longer actually skinny. I'm glad I was so thin when I was young because now I have blossomed! I am very curvy and sexy. I never thought I would be!


But I don't think you are actually very under weight.

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Originally posted by steffany Always remember to forget

The things that made you sad.

But never forget to remember

The things that made you glad.

Always remember to forget

The friends that proved untrue.

But never forget to remember

Those that have stuck by you.

Always remember to forget

The troubles that passed away.

But never forget to remember

The blessings that come each day.


"Don't walk in the shodows of your past, or you'll never see the light of the future." -- Anonymous

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  • 4 weeks later...

ok i am 20 yrs old, 5'4, and 98 pounds and everyday i hear someone comment about how small i am. ive tried to gain weight it doesnt work. my metablosim is just to fast. I have learned that i am just fine the way i am. I am toned and that looks sexy instead of anorexic. guys love it and girls are just jealous cause there arent many girls that are thin nemore and can eat whatever they want. i love the fact i can eat whatever i want and the attention i get from guys about my size. they love it. i enjoy being able to wear whatever i want and not look fat so while im thin im gonna enjoy it and so should u!

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, im 14 years old and i weigh 92 lbs., i lost 5 lbs. in one week without doing any activitys. I am usualy actie i cheerlead during the summer and fall. And right now i am doing gymnastics once a week for an hour and becides that im not doing any activitys. I am not happy with my self. How do i gain weight without any pills?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have had no hope with gaining weight! I am 14 years old 85lbs i took all those tests and yet nothing helped1! Bubbles i have been trying to get incontact with u but yet my PM isn't working! I need help i wear lower the 00 my parents have to 100.oo dollars on each jean they buy me becuz i have to get them specially made! I just REALLY NEED HELP! BUBBLES PLEASE GUIDE ME THRO THIS PROCESS! anyone just help i am in need i am the most folled upon 8th grader in my state!


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Hi raysgame32,


Well, here I am! Are you male or female hon? I can help.......no worries......but I must warn you that the summer time is one of the most difficult seasona to put weight on and maintain it because of the heat.


Message me back to let me know you are here and we will get you going.


I myself have slowly, slowly putting weight on. The regiment is a tough one but it's working.



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