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How can I tell if a girl is interested???

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I'm a college student so there are plenty of good looking girls around. I go out to the bars/clubs at least 3 times a week. I dance with a random girl every once and awhile, but I'm never sure how interested they really are. I feel like I get a few looks from hot girls that I'd be interested in, but I don't know what that means? I've heard before if a girl makes eye contact you should approach her within 5 minutes. Anyways I feel like an idiot just dancing up on girls at bars, its not like I care about rejection that much I just feel like a creep throwing myself on girls. I would really like to meet some girls and actually talk to them/hang out with them another time, or go home with them/hook up, w/e, but its not happening, so any advise will help, I was in a relationship for like 3 years up until a few months ago, so I'm out of it a little....thanks!

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sweet....dumb question maybe? I guess I should just man up and start approaching more girls...?

uhh... yeah! put yourself together and go get a lady! Stay confident, genuine , and humorous and I Guarantee that you will have a date in no time.

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Unless you approach a girl, they have no idea that you're interested. Be casual. Be CONFIDENT. Strike up a funny conversation if need to. Just don't come off too strong. I wonder if that whole " Can I buy you a drink?" still works? :laugh:

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5 minutes?? It's 3 seconds man.

If she noticed you were looking at her, you should approach Immediately. otherwise she would think you are one of those pussy guys

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5 minutes?? It's 3 seconds man.

If she noticed you were looking at her, you should approach Immediately. otherwise she would think you are one of those pussy guys


Thats deff true, but right now I am one of those pussy guys, lol...i met a few girls on spring break though so the confidence is up, I gotta do exactly what you all said, be calm and confident and start going after some ladddies...thanks for the replies

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