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crappy situation

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me and my friend for 8 years have always been extremely flirty with eachother. Last night she ended up bringing her BF on a car trip. Naturally i was jealous so me and my other friend went to the bar. I got loaded and they picked us up. She dropped him off and we went on a ride where i told her how i felt and such. She told me I should have said something to her when i had the chance and that it wasnt fair to her....What do I do? Do I keep pursuing? I really like this girl

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Well, she now knows how you feel, so the ball's in her court (so to speak)...


If I were you, I'd leave things be for now, and wait and see if she'll contact you (but, don't put your life on hold hoping that she will)...


IMO, if you keep pursuing her at this stage, you'll only push her further away - you may not like the way things are at present, but you must respect the fact that she currently has a boyfriend...


Anyhow - good luck!

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me and my friend for 8 years have always been extremely flirty with eachother. Last night she ended up bringing her BF on a car trip. Naturally i was jealous so me and my other friend went to the bar. I got loaded and they picked us up. She dropped him off and we went on a ride where i told her how i felt and such. She told me I should have said something to her when i had the chance and that it wasnt fair to her....What do I do? Do I keep pursuing? I really like this girl


I would hang back here a bit and see if she contact's you. Good Luck.



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Hang back a bit to neutralize the "friend zone" and she'll remember your words if she and BF have issues.


Have you always felt that way about her? Beyond "flirty" friends?

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