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Husband forgot 6-month anniversary!

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Please help me not be resentful and pissed and unappreciated because my husband forgot/didn't say anything about our six month anniversary.


This morning, he asked why I was upset. I told him, "you forgot". He said he remembered but didn't think we were going to do anything about it... Even though a few weeks ago I mentioned this restaurant that we have been dying to try was having a special this week.


Sigh. I am so disapointed. I feel like being married to this guy means I will never have romance ever again. I feel like running away, taking up on offers for dates and dinners from other guys....


Valentine's Day was a bust too, but I'll share that story if you want to hear it. Do I have to dash all my hopes and fantasies about romance to be married? It seems like the only was to never be disapointed.



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Wow. I have never heard of anyone celebrating a 6-month anniversary of anything. Maybe he just didn't think it was a big deal?


I would be worried if he forgot your wedding anniversary but other than that, I wouldn't be too concerned.


Is he normally attentive and loving?

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Did you remember it as well and get him anything ?


A 6 month anniversary ??? why all the need for drama like this in your marriage ?


Now.. If he forgets the REAL anniversary then you might have a problem..

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My take of the OP is high maintenance (combination of "me" and "accepting dates") and, assuming OP has only been married 6 months, this does not portend well. So, OP, what did you plan to show your husband your love and affection on your six month anniversary? You know, you could've taken him out to that restaurant :)


Color me male, and I guess this is where I am more like an atypical one, but where can I find a woman who thinks that special occasions are a two-way street? I'm certainly not married to one. I love doing romantic stuff, but I also like receiving it as well, when I know my wife has taken time important to her to think up something just for me. That's pretty cool.


Anyway, too much drama here. Accept those dates. Grass is greener :)

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My first thought was, 6 months is an anniversary? I don't remember if I and my husband did anything. It was 14 years ago though. But yeah, like the others said, if he forgets the 1 year "real" anniversay, there's a problem.


Also, you said V-day was a bust. That would have been more to tell us about than the 6 months thing. Run that by us & see what we think.

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Color me male, and I guess this is where I am more like an atypical one, but where can I find a woman who thinks that special occasions are a two-way street? I'm certainly not married to one. I love doing romantic stuff, but I also like receiving it as well, when I know my wife has taken time important to her to think up something just for me. That's pretty cool.


Hee hee. I got my SO flowers the other day when I was grocery shopping. I had walked to the grocery store, so I had to carry this big purple bouqet down the street and through my neighborhood, so I felt a bit ridiculous, but he was surprised and thought it was cute. Plus, I get to enjoy them too. :p

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Overall what about how you feel about the marriage ?..


There is more to a marriage than gifts at Valentines and 6 month anniversaries.


To me how you feel about your marriage is more important than those things...


Tell us more...

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A six-month anniversary? :confused:


The only time I can think of when couples share "mini milestones" is when the relationsip is likely not to last, i.e., high schoolers whose r/s will be measured in weeks or months.


Nonetheless, if the six-month mark was particularly important to you, why didn't you take the initiative to do something about it?

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6 month anni? I didn't know there is such a thing. I would be upset if he missed the first year anni but then again, anni is no biggie for me. Married or not. Even if he forgot my birthday, it wouldn't be the end of the world.


I think it would have been sweet if you took him to the restaurant! Wouldn't that be something different?! :)

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Hee hee. I got my SO flowers the other day when I was grocery shopping


Bingo :)


In some countries, men bring each other flowers. I did this when I was in Ukraine; not romance but friendship and respect. Also, flowers to mother of wife/girlfriend/date. Gotta know who's important here :D


I loved shopping the street markets for flowers when there and didn't feel foolish at all.

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6 month? Usually the anniversaries to be celebrated are annual.


6 months kind of reminds me of celebrating anniversaries month to month a long time ago..........when I was 16!

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I have to add my voice to the chorus. If he forgets the actual anniversary, that's not good. But the 6-month? You're married, for god's sake. You're not dating in high school.


Of course, if the romance has totally left the relationship since the wedding in most or all other ways, that's a problem that needs to be addressed. But six-month anniversaries will be totally meaningless next year ("Happy one-and-and-half year anniversary, sweetie!"), and should probably be already.

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I've never heard of a 6 month anniversary. Was he aware you two would be celebrating it? Or did you just assume he'd remember and be mushy that it's been 6 months?


If he had forgotten the ONE year, then yes, you'd have every right to be upset. But 6 months?


As for romance on V-day, well, that's overrated. Why should he go out of his way on that ONE day to make you feel special and loved? He should be doing that daily, not just once a year...Which leads me to the next train of thought...YOU need to tell him you want romance. Go out to dinner and have couple time alone, do stuff together etc. And, you have to make HIM feel special and loved too, it isn't fair or right that he always has to romance you. When was the last time you came home with flowers, or his favourite candy/snack or a present for him for no reason? Gotta give abit to get... Or, just make an evening and make him about him. Have a bath together, give him a body massage and take advantage of him in bed - I'm sure he'd love that...Do something like that and he'll be much more attentive and romantic.

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wow... 6 months and you are already wanting to go run off and have dinner with other guys. I'm glad I'm not your husband. I can't imagine what you will be doing a couple years from now.


I've never heard of a big deal for a 6 month anniversary. I wouldn't think too much of it if I were you.

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I feel like running away, taking up on offers for dates and dinners from other guys....


Question. WHY on you relying on your husband for all your happiness? He can't meet every single one of your needs all the time. You need to learn to compromise and be independant in the marriage too. Anyway, you also need to work on your self confidence...


List 10 things you love about your husband.

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It's called an ANNIversary from the Latin annus, meaning year. So six months can't be an ANNIversary, per definition. I'm with your H on this one.


I hope you're not also one of those neurotics that expects their SO to remember the "anniversary" of their first kiss, their first sex, their first sleepover, their first "I Love You", the first time they saw the full moon together while dancing through the streets dressed in cabbage leaves... because the poor guy is NEVER going to do anything right!


(You're not related to Lanky's W, are you?)

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My take of the OP is high maintenance (combination of "me" and "accepting dates")

What's the next step beyond high maintenance? Stratospheric support? I think it would be easier to keep Britney's name out of the paper that it would to make the OP happy...


Mr. Lucky

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"Even though a few weeks ago I mentioned this restaurant that we have been dying to try was having a special this week."


I can tell you that if you expect your husband to understand what you want based on mentioning a special at some restaurant, you're in for an endless string of bitter disappointments.


Here's a crazy idea: Talk to your husband. Tell him you'd like to do something nice for your six-month-aversary... like go to this great restaurant. Ask him to make the reservations for your excellent night out.


Having hidden 'tests' like this where he 'fails' to prove his undying love for you by doing something at the time he 'should' is just a disaster. You're unhappy because he didn't do the right thing at the right time, he's unhappy because he doesn't know what sudden 37-week-aversary might trip him up out of nowhere.


I'd urge you to seriously reconsider your expectations and behavior - it's unlikely to work out well.

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Wow talk about setting very high standards! Six month anniversary?? gees consider yourself lucky you even have a man that loves you and is married to you and vice versa. Marriage is to be celebrated every day and to make a fuss over something this insignificant is really nit picking .


People should really learn to pick their battles....:rolleyes:

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