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Need romance!!!!!!

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And sex and adventure. Will take one.


Been married six month, living together (total) a year and a half). Now husband did nothing on our first Valentines' Day... I lost it cried, then next day he gave me a gift.

Had to remind him the night of my birthday... Got a gift six months later.


This Valentine's Day, nothing.


On our wedding day, no wedding card/gift exchange. He sent mine bck with the Maid of Honor because he "forgot" his at home.


Sigh. We don't have sex very much... I feel like a part of me is dying. I don't care about the masterial things, but I do want the effort. Glue paper hesrts to the walls,greet me with dinner and candles, treat me to a night out.


Last time we went out was to the movies. He paid for my ticket, nice, and I had to pay for parking, my own drink and his nachos.


I am unable to bring these things up in a constructive way. He gets mad, then we are withdrawn from each other... Usually I am the one that tries to make up. I really want the sex and romance, but it might be better for me to curb those desires so I don't keep getting disapointed.


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Last time we went out was to the movies. He paid for my ticket, nice, and I had to pay for parking, my own drink and his nachos.


You guys are married.... should that really matter?!? :confused:

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And sex and adventure. Will take one.


Been married six month, living together (total) a year and a half). Now husband did nothing on our first Valentines' Day... I lost it cried, then next day he gave me a gift.

Had to remind him the night of my birthday... Got a gift six months later.


This Valentine's Day, nothing.


Some people think V-day is a big load of crapola. I mean, it is a holiday created by hallmark. No offense meant or anything, but maybe your H is in this camp?


Your b-day is another thing, though....was he like this before you married?


On our wedding day, no wedding card/gift exchange. He sent mine bck with the Maid of Honor because he "forgot" his at home.


Ok, I didn't get anything for my exH when I got married. I felt like my presence was his gift. :laugh: Is this a tradition in your family/culture?


Last time we went out was to the movies. He paid for my ticket, nice, and I had to pay for parking, my own drink and his nachos.


Well I always figure that once you're even in just a committed LTR, you sorta have to split things down the middle. I always felt like the guy should pay for everything in the courting phase, but not beyond that.


I am unable to bring these things up in a constructive way. He gets mad, then we are withdrawn from each other... Usually I am the one that tries to make up. I really want the sex and romance, but it might be better for me to curb those desires so I don't keep getting disapointed.



Maybe you should lead by example and set up romantic things on your own. Then in a nonconfrontational way, let him know that you'd like him to reciprocate?

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Have you told him you want more romance? Have you romanced him? See my reply on your other thread.

Glue paper hesrts to the walls


Sorry, but NO man will ever do that. If my husband glued paper hearts to the walls, I'd laugh my @ss off...


Anyway, you two need to focus on eachother and grow together as a couple, communicate and understand eachother otherwise your marriage will fall apart.

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Serious question here: Why did you marry this guy? Do not use the word "love" anywhere in your answer :)


Even more serious question - why did HE marry YOU? Did he know you were this princessy before?


The "glue paper hearts to the mirror" thing makes me want to know all the more - are you SURE you're not related to Lanky's W?

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