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I moved out!!

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As if my life isn't stressful enough, here my roommate goes deciding to make it even more stressful...I finally packed some stuff and got the h*ll out! I"m at my mom's now, although there's still a lot of moving left to do. Those of you who know, remember when I 1st came here thinking I was in love with Tim!! Boy do things change...


He's a serious GF now for the last few months, he's been totally clean and sober, and happier than ever...I especially loved when he 1st go the GF, because I had the place to myself like all the time! So he's been staying with her almost every night...and still having his kids visit us at our apt.


His 3 teenagers have been there for the last 3 days while he's probably been there 10 minutes. Yesterday I told him it's not cool, then he informs me that their mother kicked them out!! (they are all under 18!)...I said, how does this mean I have to deal with it while you pretty much don't live here anymore? He argued he does still live there...um okay, be here with your kids then idiot!!! He had the nerve to say I'll just have to do deal with it...I said No, I don't...he also didn't have any money to give me for bills. So I started packing right then and there. He's not being too big a jerk about it...There's only 3 more times I have to pay my half of the lease and he agrees to keep paying his half. In the mean time I still have the key.


I've done nothing but make sacrifices for the guy, and I thought this is completely inconsiderate of him, it's not my problem if mom kicked them out...would you have done the same thing? I mean, I came home and there are 3 teenagers using the computer, playing video games with the TV, so what am I supposed to do..watch?


Anyway I'm glad it's over.

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