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How can I move this along?

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I'm not so good at forming relationships with people. I'm trying to form a good relationship with someone in my class in college and hopefully move it into something more in the future. Right now we really just see each other in class and a little bit after, but we get along VERY well and I can say this with 100% confidence. I have no idea what to do besides ask her if she would want to study together sometime. I'm sure she would love to, but I don't know how to work out a good time to do it. I'd be willing to miss one of my more flexible classes if necessary I guess. I'm just really confused when I try to figure out how I can do this.


I also want to eventually meet up with her outside of school, but I don't want to do something too stereotypical like coffee (I hate coffee anyway). At the same time, I don't know what other options I have...:confused:


*SIGH* God, I need help...:o

Edited by Nintenja
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so what else do you have in mind besides doing the generic, most comfortable, and probably safest type of get-together for you two?


Why the urge to stand out and be different? I'm sure your personality and character is more than enough to help you in that regards to this girl


I just don't get why men have the urge to be unique and different with what they do with their dates. Honestly, who cares? Yes it may be fun, it may be different and exciting, but it also may really end up sucking. I'm not knocking the whole notion of doing something that isn't thought of dating; but why the need to do it on the first date or first few?


If the sparks aren't there. . . then it doesn't matter what type of date it is, its still gonna end up with you two going home with a bad taste in your mouth.


I'd suggest taking a walk together, getting something to eat between classes, doing some activity (bowling. . . billiards, skating, seeing a show, etc), do anything that you would like to do with your friends but involve her somehow.


and if you really want to make plans with this girl, you'll both find time to make a meeting work. I see this girl once a week every sunday after work (which is like 10-11 pm) because its the only time i can see her.

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Nah, the main reason I don't want to do that isn't for the fact that I want to stand out (although I admit it's PART of the reason). It's just because we'd be talking, but in a different place and we are eating and drinking stuff, I already talk to her well. I kind of wanted to do an activity, and you gave me some ideas I can work with so thanks!

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