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What the hell is wrong with this guy?

Prodigal Princess

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Prodigal Princess

I met this guy at a bar last Saturday night. I knew him vaguely from my university days but hadn't seen him in a few years. Anyway, we chatted for a few hours, and I was being my usual facetious, caustic self. Eventually the bar empties out and we went back to a friend's place where we spent the morning doing lines of coke and arguing about nothing. He tried several times to make out with me and I was charitable for awhile, but eventually pushed him off and said I wasn't interested. I think my exact words were, "As far as you are concerned, I'm asexual."


Well eventually I grew bored with him and sent him on his way. He sent a cute text message the next day to which I half-heartedly responded. I never expected to hear from him again (deplorably, I go through these guys often). Last night I get a call around 8 pm, and as usual left it go to voicemail. I checked it this morning and it was the guy from Saturday night. He had left a really lovely message and then ended it by asking if I wanted to catch up on the weekend.


I have no idea why this guy wants to see me again. I mean, what is he, a glutton for punishment? A sadist? I was pretty rude to him throughout the course of that Saturday night (even if it was all tongue-in-cheek) and more importantly, told him I wasn't at all interested in sex. Ever. I know it wouldn't work out with this guy because he is a nice, normal person and I am a heinous bitch (to those people especially). But part of me is also curious about why he wants a repeat performance. Any ideas?


Also, do you think I should respond, or just leave the poor kid alone?

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What's wrong with him you ask? He is a man, you are a woman. Plain and simple.


Use his blow and send him on his way, with your own straw of course. Using his might send the wrong impression.


Just sayin...

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Prodigal Princess
Use his blow and send him on his way, with your own straw of course. Using his might send the wrong impression.


It was my blow (I'm the bad one, remember...). I don't even take drinks from guys, I cannot handle feeling in any way obliged towards anyone.

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I'm just not gonna give you my honest opinion of this situation as I don't feel like insulting you too too much. So to answer simply: Just ignore him. If he keeps trying, be more blunt than you were.

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I find it kind of sad that you're proud of that fact that you're a heinous bitch...


*SIGH* What is this world coming to?:confused:


Uh, yeah, I'd say that there's something wrong with you both.


You're a bitch and he's probably now seeing you as a challenge so he can f- you and then ditch you.


Drama...what a joke.

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You didn't even screw him, but in my experience they come back often, and on a mission, if you don't. They also strive harder when you did have sex, but you think of it as a one night stand versus anything with potential.


It's only when you chase them that they run.


Well, that was all in my late 20's/early 30's. I can't recall ever mentioning that they made me feel asexual. Considering that time in my life, I've gotta give you "props" for your honesty! I definitely felt like that more than once.


Gee, I haven't thought about this in a long time. Make sure you never let those guys know where you live is my advice. I made that mistake (being too detailed) and they would show up on my doorstep.


If you respond, I say let him no you're not interested even though no response should make that clear.

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Since you claim yourself a heinous b!tch than I don't see any problem in just ignoring him. That's very easy to do.

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I thought Decent girls are used to this kind of happenings.

maybe it happend first in your life and won't happen it again? lol

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Why would you even ask our opinion on this matter? So you want to play with your food? What's to figure out?


If this is hip, if this is youth, I'm glad I'm older.



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