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What The Counselor Said Today

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she told me to read this book called "i hate you don't leave me" she thinks i have some aspects of borderline personality disorder, yikes!


below is some interesting things i found out about, while some don't apply to me alot of it does...the scarie thing is from what i've read so far, is that treatment of it is hard:

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Many thanks for your understanding.

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Under the fair use doctrine you can cite some things from a book as long as you acknowledge the author and it is a short enough amount that it wouldn't affect someone from buying the book.


Or are we not under the fair use doctrine here? It seems like we should be. Other boards I post to allow brief snippets of news articles and books as valid under the copyright laws...


(Saying this when I have no idea how much info she posted...)

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Hi Clia,


Originally posted by clia

Under the fair use doctrine you can cite some things from a book as long as you acknowledge the author and it is a short enough amount that it wouldn't affect someone from buying the book.


Or are we not under the fair use doctrine here? It seems like we should be. Other boards I post to allow brief snippets of news articles and books as valid under the copyright laws...


(Saying this when I have no idea how much info she posted...)


You may not post or transmit any message, data, image or program that would violate the property rights of others, including unauthorized copyrighted text, images or programs, trade secrets or other confidential proprietary information, and trademarks or service marks used in an infringing fashion.


If short, appropriately cited snippets of text are included in a message, we generally will leave them up so long as the original poster has highlighted specific parts of the referenced text within the context of their post. Blocks of text copied verbatim without a full citation will be deleted.


Best wishes,


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