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Made bad mistake in past, Just surfacing now

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For a short time after my fiancee started dating, I was kind of seeing this other girl. This girl and I had broken up recently when my fiancee and I got together. As my relationship with my fiancee progressed I deadened that between me and the other girl, now the other girl has come forward and told her version of the story to my fiancee's best friend. So I confessed to her, and needless to say, she was more than stunned. Now she's not sure if you still wants to be engaged, but she doesn't want to break up...


I was the only person she trusted completely, and now she doesn't trust me at all. I need to rebuild that trust somehow, any suggestions?

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I don't see that you did anything wrong. You might want to reconsider marrying your fiancee if she has such little understanding. There was nothing you needed to tell her about, in my opniion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I understand your girlfriend completely. You lied to her from the beginning by withholding the truth. I too would assume that you couldn't be trusted because you lied from the beginning. You must tell her everything and hope that your sincerity and honesty now will help her heal. Sit her down and tell her why you did what you did and answer all her questions with complete HONESTY. This is your only chance with her. She feels shattered and you will probably pay for it for a while with lots of arguments ahead---and that is if she doesn't decide to dump you. I wish you well.

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Hey I totally know where your fiance is coming from. My ex-boyfriend did the same thing. ( we are exes now for completely diferent reasons though :p ) He was the one who confessed to it but it still shocked me and I got to admit it took awhile for me to trust him like I did before. And it was worse because he was in a relationship with her while he was "dating" me too. I don't know if it was cheating or what, but anyway yeah. It sucks.


In your case, well, in the beginning stages when you were dating, I don't think you did anything wrong, since you weren't exclusive with either of them right? Or was this other girl your girlfriend?So you had every right to do whatever you wanted, date 20 girls whatever, and your fiance shouldn't fault you for that, or have to know all of that for that matter. It's kind of none of her business in my personal opinion. You are with her now, and she is your fiance so that's what matters, because you chose to be with her and it's you and her. I think it matters if you were in a relationship with the other girl or not while you were dating your fiance. Care to clarify?

If you were not, I repeat, I don't think you did anything wrong.

My two cents.

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