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Any place for shy men in the world?

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Ladies of LS, just wondering what your opinions are of shy guys? I'm not talking painfully shy but rather: the guy who, in a group of people, is not standing on the table making sure his voice is heard; the guy who doesn't feel it necessary to be a stand-up comedian 24x7; the guy who tends to function better in a 1-on-1 or very small group setting.


Are women always (or mostly) attracted to the boisterous, non-stop-talking type of guys? Does the guy who participates *in* the conversation but is not constantly driving the conversation become overlooked? What types of characteristics create interest rather than invisibility? :)


Just curious here...

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Are women always (or mostly) attracted to the boisterous, non-stop-talking type of guys?


It's a genetic thing. Men who are that way breed more and have more daughters who see their daddy as "perfect", so are attracted to daddy act-alike's


That sound good? :D


We shy, sensitive types usually only become relevant after the woman has had a lifetime of disappointment and want someone to push the wheelchair for them in their old age.


So, the answer to your title question is "no" :)

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Shy and quiet can come off as mysterious and enthralling. Make your shyness work for you. Instead of just sitting idly by while your friends jabber away, make it so that your silence come off as a form of seduction. Let your body movement dictate your actions rather than your mouth.

Let your hands and eyes be your guide, and play up the suggestiveness. Women love that stuff. Well, me anyways. :p

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go to Asia. quiet guy can be looked as cool


Here, if you are quiet, you are loser, shy, creep, stalker and have low self-esteem.


sorry man, that's what I found. you have to work your ass off to be outgoing or move to other country.


maybe you can find your ideal woman someday who appreciates your character haha, it could be your 30s 40s, who knows

(totally B.S people say: 'be patient , you will find your ideal match someday'

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go to Asia. quiet guy can be looked as cool


Here, if you are quiet, you are loser, shy, creep, stalker and have low self-esteem.


sorry man, that's what I found. you have to work your ass off to be outgoing or move to other country.


maybe you can find your ideal woman someday who appreciates your character haha, it could be your 30s 40s, who knows

(totally B.S people say: 'be patient , you will find your ideal match someday'


Dude....where are you getting your info. If you're quiet and that's how you get treated...I'm sorry, but that doesn't mean it automatically applies to everyone else. That's a HUGE generalization.


You can get women's attention in other ways than being outgoing. Given this may be the best direct way, but there are many more methods to interest a woman. Trust me.

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Trust me, if you want to change yourself, do it right now, Instead of saying I have this this quality, how come girls don't give a damn?

It's about communication. If other person doesn't get it, it's your fault. you have to convince them you are cool person.


I couldn't even talk to someone I like. I am working on it and I can do that thing now. But the girl I fell in love, I can't see her anymore.

time goes fast man

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  • 2 months later...
Of course there is! But where are y'all hiding out? :laugh: Such a girl seems pretty rare in my experience so far... Maybe we need to start a club of some sort! :D Like Keys' date=' I'm attracted to women who are somewhat shy like me - of course, the cool thing is that us shy people tend to lose our shyness in a 1-on-1 setting (either friend, partner, acquaintance, etc.). I enjoy seeing a girl who is shy with most people or in large groups open up to me. Oops, went off on a tangent there... ;)[/quote']



I really wish it wasn't so hard for a shy girl though. Yes, my shyness goes away in a one in one setting and I know I'm fun cause ppl who I"m not shy around tell me that all the time. But I think it really limits me from moving forward with guys, simply cause.....I'm shy and scared they will think I'm boring or something. *sigh*

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Of course there is! But where are y'all hiding out? :laugh: Such a girl seems pretty rare in my experience so far... Maybe we need to start a club of some sort! :D Like Keys' date=' I'm attracted to women who are somewhat shy like me - of course, the cool thing is that us shy people tend to lose our shyness in a 1-on-1 setting (either friend, partner, acquaintance, etc.). I enjoy seeing a girl who is shy with most people or in large groups open up to me. Oops, went off on a tangent there... ;)[/quote']


I would like to help you * lose * your shyness , lol

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Ummmm, ahhhh.... ummmmm..... :o Maybe that's what I need, someone to pounce on me and wrestle my shyness away from me... :D

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