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Do I tell him?

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I have been offered so much different advice I don't know what to do!!! Help!


Heres the situation:


There's this guy that I recently (well 3 months ago) started liking. Before I liked him though we were just friends but it suddenly dawned on me how much chemistry we had and how much fun we always have and how much of gentleman he is. Anyway, when I started liking him he had a girlfriend but a couple weeks later they broke it off mutually. He kept his relationship very private and never talked to me about her.


Now I don't know what to do. I have been harboring this crush for a while now. Some of my friends are telling me to tell him. Others are telling me to just wait till he expresses his feelings towards me. I think I've made it pretty obvious that I like him. I flirt with him all the time and I even gave him a valentine on valentines day. He treats me differently than other girls but I'm not sure if its because we are friends or if its because he likes me. Either way I've made it pretty clear that I like him so he should've made a move by now right?


So what do you guys think? Do I keep flirting and keep waiting? Or do I tell him?

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If you like someone you would tell them. Flirting is just another way of playing the "game" and it does get boring fast.

Whenever I get a crush on someone, my friends were always telling me to just speak my mind, of course that's because I think they got tired of me always talking him. :rolleyes: But if you really like this guy, I don't understand why you can't just be frank with him. Are you shy or embarrassed? Well imagine never telling him and letting him get away, that always does the trick for me.

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It seems to me that the feelings may be mutual.

Flirting is just a way to delay anything that may happen, and possibly would even weaken changes.

If you do it right, telling him how you feel may be the best option.


All the best.

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