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Hi Everyone,


Sould I be worried?..........

I have been in my relationship with my partner for 2 years and I love him so much. He has a previous partner and have 3 children with her. As he hasn't got his car at the moment the arrangement is he goes round there once a week, which is fine by me, I would never stand in the way of seeing his kids.


It might just be me but before he is due to go round there he makes sure he has a shave and shaves his hair and sometimes he even changes his clothes. I'm getting worried because I dont want to lose him, him and my daughter is all I have as my family dont want to know me.


I have told him how I feel. All he says to me is stop being silly and tells me he loves me and thinks the world of me, which does make me feel nice and loved.


I would really appreciate some advice.



Edited by bex2008
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