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cfp-finanical planner-anyone doing it or is one

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anyone here a certified financial planner or is taking or took the canadian sercurities course. dealing with mutual funds, stock, gics....etc.

i believe you have to read these books and write the test. anyone here do it. is it hard? what is the exam like?


when your finish with the exam, is it easy to find a job? how much would u get paid? anyone a cfp right now-what is your pros and cons of doing your job. why did you do it. i believe you have to meet and talk with a lot of ppl everyday


oh ya is it commission based.


where do you write the test, and how much is the test. after passing the exam , can u find a job as a cfp easily or is it hard. i am suprised just writing and reading the books one can find work, i would think one would need a degree . lol. hehe

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Some of the certifications require a bachelors degree (e.g. CFA) besides that there are other required licenses.


You might need a sponsor for some of those licenses. In the US a series 7 requires a sponsor which means you either work in the industry or have someone sponsor you before they hire you.

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