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Lately I've been hanging out with a guy friend more than usual. We've been talking/seeing each other every couple of weeks but considering we never used to see each other at all, I find that to be an improvement Nothing physical is going on but I do like him and sometimes sense he might like me too (of course, it's hard to say for sure). So...I was talking to him a few days ago and he mentioned that the month of July was going to be a busy one for him. He will be out of town quite a bit and since he plays on a sports team, he will be having a lot of games on friday nights.

Since we only get together on weekends this sucks.


Furthermore, he mentioned that we probably won't be getting together again until the end of July. On the one hand, it's nice that he has at least thought about when he will be able to hang out again since we aren't dating and he doesn't really owe me an explanation. BUT, on the other hand, I'm not sure if that indicates any interest in me--I mean, if a guy likes a girl can he go that long without seeing her, even if he is busy? I'm trying to be understanding of his schedule but it's a bit hard for me. Plus since we are in such a grey area right now I don't know if I should even be expecting anything more from this guy. If anybody has any clue as to what I'm talking about, please feel free to respond...:-)

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Different guys have different priorities. Young jocks seem to put sports and their buddies ahead of dating and love interests. That's certainly his business. Your business is finding a guy who will make you feel desired and special and this guy is not the one right now for doing that. Either you go with his schedule while you see other people...or just see other people and write him out of your schedule. It seems like he's being real up front with you.

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