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Just friends or closer?

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Alright this is my first post on here and I'm thinking this is where this should go.


Ok heres the story, I was working at this movie theater in town and this girl started to work there. I really didn't have any interest in here till I started talking with her. Then we became friends, but we never really did anything after work unless other employees invited us to something. She then started going out with one of my friends. Also at this time I had gotten a new job and was still working at the movies. Well they eventually broke up after a couple of weeks. Eventually we started to do many things together. I started to get the feeling we had something going.


Well disaster struck when I was laid off from both jobs; yeah don't know how I could get laid off at the movies, but thats what they told me. This happend in jan. around the 12th i believe. So around this time I was stuck at only going to college and couldn't do anything for awhile and I couldn't see or talk to her much. Well I finally got a job and I'm able to see her again, but we are not like we were a couple of months before. So I was wondering do you guys think we had anything and also if we did do you think I waited to long and she lost interest? If you need anymore info let me know because alot of what I told you is pretty scattered.

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What we think is irrelevant :)


Call her up, ask her out for "coffee" (or whatever works for you) and see for yourself. If she shows interest, at that point, you can briefly fill her in about your absence. Then, move forward.

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Yeah I've called her a few times, but I think she was at work and she never picked up. She would then call back, but I couldn't pick up because I was at work all night. Guess I'll call her the days I'm off lol.

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Well, then, that's a good sign that there is mutual interest. Remember, a good relationship takes time and you have to make that time. Try this; call her when you know/presume she's off work, assuming you have her cell/home phone # :)

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Well she normally worked nights, but I guess not anymore lol. I'll eventually get back in touch with her again I guess. Thanks for the advice.

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But be careful, sometimes we (as men) mis-perceived her action. Sometimes she just want to be friends and not necessarily more... Make sure you give her enough attention.

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