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Can besfriends fall in love?(guy&girl)

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Mustang Sally

Well, why in the world not?


I would think that this would be a very desirable situation, to tell you the truth: falling in love (and having it reciprocated) with one's best friend.


That is the whole point of enduring long term love, is it not?


Or is there something more to this situation that you want to share...?

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No, my bestfriend and I have always been really close and for a long time she was dating this *******, and I never got a good chance to date her. Awhile back before we were friends she was in LOVE with me and I ignored her which I now regret : / We are really close friends, you would think we date, but we don't. Ive talked to her about it and she says shes just not sure because she doesn't want to ruin what we already have. I just figure if it doesn't work out, we just stay friends and its fine, because I know we could. She's just said shes not ready for a boyfriend right now. Shes very "flirty" in ways and it kinda pisses me off when other guys with her. I know that I love her alot, and I know she loves me alot too. But we just don't date and I really wish I could have the chance again

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You just need to take it there bro. You can't negotiate these things. You need to change her mood or her feelings, not her mind. Are you guys cuddly? What about playful flirting like arm punches and stupid stuff like that? Will she let you hold her hand? If she lets you hold her hand she will most likely let you kiss her. Don't ask. Do it.

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Yes, but there has to be some underlying attraction there. If there was never a 'spark' with one party or the other then no, probably not.

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You just need to take it there bro. You can't negotiate these things. You need to change her mood or her feelings, not her mind. Are you guys cuddly? What about playful flirting like arm punches and stupid stuff like that? Will she let you hold her hand? If she lets you hold her hand she will most likely let you kiss her. Don't ask. Do it.




She is cuddly, and we have talked about kissing but it hasen't happened. She says she "doesn't want to lead me on". But latlely we have been talking a little bit more like boyfriend girlfriend. So Im not sure where its going

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quit worrying about where it's going and take it where you want it go. girls want a man, not a puppy. show some confidence, backbone, and some balls!

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Max Overclock

Well, all I needed to read was:


"... we have talked about kissing but it hasen't happened. She says she "doesn't want to lead me on". But latlely we have been talking a little bit more like boyfriend girlfriend."


There's lots of talk ... and no action.


She doesn't feel it, or doesn't feel it enough. Either make a move like Phateless suggested and see how she reacts, or go complete no contact.


That'll prove it either way.



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But what if that one kiss makes things awkward later on?


That thought is nothing but an excuse for being too chicken to try.

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