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In Love with fiancee's best friend...HELP!


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This problem is emotionally killing me so anyone that can


help me will be greatly appreciated! Anyways, I've been engaged for about 2 years to the man of my dreams. We are


best friends, we share the same morals and goals. He cooks


better than I do and we love each other very much. Problem is, I think I have a crush on his best friend, who has


become a friend to me over the past year. We all three go out together sometimes, and when we do, its like my fiancee's best friend can't keep his eyes off me. We both laugh at each other's stories and jokes and get along very well. My fiancee, for all I know, doesn't know my feelings for his friend. And worse of all, his best-friend is completly wrong for me. I am so confused and I feel very immature for feeling this way. I need help fast!!!


Engaged Anxiety,



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This problem is emotionally killing me so anyone that can help me will be greatly appreciated! Anyways, I've been engaged for about 2 years to the man of my dreams. We are best friends, we share the same morals and goals. He cooks better than I do and we love each other very much. Problem is, I think I have a crush on his best friend, who has become a friend to me over the past year. We all three go out together sometimes, and when we do, its like my fiancee's best friend can't keep his eyes off me. We both laugh at each other's stories and jokes and get along very well. My fiancee, for all I know, doesn't know my feelings for his friend. And worse of all, his best-friend is completly wrong for me. I am so confused and I feel very immature for feeling this way. I need help fast!!! Engaged Anxiety, Denise



If you and your fiancee are best friends, then he knows how you feel about his friend. Best freinds talk to each other about everything, including feelings. You also said that he can't keep his eyes off from you. Do you feel the same about him? It could just be a physical attraction for both of you. Just because you're in love with someone, does not mean that it stops you from becoming physically attracted to someone else. Physical attraction isn't love. If you're in love with your fiancee, you won't have the desire to pursue a relationship with the other guy. It's okay to have an attraction, and it's very flattering when someone else is attracted to you. It can also make you feel nervous, but it doesn't mean that you feel any less for your fiancee. And if it bothers you, talk to your fiancee about your mixed-up feelings.

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