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Is She Interested

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ok...first off... i've fallen for my friends girlfriend... they have been together for 4 years and she has told me she's not happy... she's confessed that she would be willing to cheat on him if she wouldn't get caught...by the way we are becoming closer friends each day that passes. we often flirt with eachother... talk and text on the phone... and when i'm stressed out she actually relaxes me by giving me massages and she even feeds me. i think she reads the signs that indicate that i'm interested in her. but it doesn't seem to bother her. i want to know if she's ok with me liking her but i'm afraid to bring up that subject. another thing is i told her i liked this girl (her) and i told her that this girl was in a relationship and i really like her. her response was if u like her just tell her or you'll never know. and we kept talking about this "story" and i never told her the name of the girl and she wants to know the name of the girl really bad. i know and can feel that she knows its her... so ... is she interested in me too???


Thanks for your time



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Hard to know if it's you or that you're a friend of her BF. How would you gauge her motives?


Women sometimes use their sexuality to manipulate men to achieve a completely separate goal. IOW, to create a scenario, she may already have someone else in mind and is titillating you to cause a rift in your friendship with her current BF to add additional pain to his plate when she cheats on him with someone else.


The critical issue IMO is "she's confessed that she would be willing to cheat on him if she wouldn't get caught." Stay away. Venomous serpent.

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if some one in my circle of friends cheated with another friends gf I would no longer be friends with such a person. Ask yourself what kind of person you want to be.

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