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long lost

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:confused:Hi,IM a sophmore student in high school and i want to find someone to help me with this problem. you see,when i was a freshmen i met this girld who i really like,and when we started knowing each other we constantly sat beside each other and talk.i really wanted to ask her out,but did not have the guts,because im a shy person.it seems like we liked each other but didnt tell each other what we felt about each of us.

when it came the last day for freshmen year my friend try to tell her that i liked her,but things did not work out,she wanted to listen but i did not tell her anything i was to shy.from there,i found out she had a boyfriend recently.when summer passed and i started sophmore year i did not talk to her at all,but she is constantly looking at me everytime im near,and acting weird not herself. now i find out she is not going out with anyone.can anyone please tell me if she likes me and what should i do,so we can start talking to one another again

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