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asking her out

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i just need some help on asking this girl to be my girlfriend...we both like eachother and we do things that friends dont do if you get me...saying will you go out with me or will you be my girlfriend seems so junior high and makes me sound like a kid. i just need some help with wording if somebody wouldn't mind helping me out please.

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yeah, it went great. i did know immediately how things were though as soon as it happened. we kiss alot now and we've made out a few times since...

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Hey, buddy, I think I should be asking you for advice :D


Seriously, just enjoy each other. Going "steady" (that's old fart talk) and having a girlfriend just kinda happens. You're still young. No hurry. Keep up the good work!

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OK i get you. your right, there is no rush. its probably a good idea to take things slow because we are best friends. thnx for the help...ill keep you posted on things and might ask for some more advice soon. :)

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