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Is it worth waiting for????

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I was dating this really great guy, who I got along great with. We had soooo much fun, and got really close and I was really comfortable with him. He treated me great. He's the type of guy that, a girl like me, never thought was out there.

What I mean by "a girl like me" is that I am gullable and get screwed over easily. My ex cheated on me numerous times, we dated for a few years, and I thought he was the love of my life, and that he would change. Regardless, he never did and i eventually left him for good.

After a while, I met this really great guy. I just thought that things felt to right to quick, and we were too serious, too quick. So, I broke it off right before he had to go away for 3 weeks for work. While he was gone, I missed him like crazy and kicked myself in the ass for what I had done.

When he came back, we worked things out, decided to go slower, and he said he understood. Now, he calls me today, after being back together for 2 weeks, and tells me he doesn't have time for me for a few weeks. That we shouldn't do this yet, and that he can't give me the time and attention I deserve to have. So, should I wait? I think I love him. He is very busy with work, changing jobs, moving, etc... But he says it like he doesn't even know what he'll want later. I don't want anyone else. I don't know if this even makes sense to all of you like it does to me. If it does to anyone, please help. How do I keep from being soooo confused, and scared?

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I just wanted to add one thing, does anyone have any advice on getting over someone faster and moving on. I have never been good at this. I don't know what to do, and crying over it does ****!

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I mean really, why would he be sooo happy to be back together, talk about how much he missed me, how happy he is to hold me, then to sleep with me again, and then not talk to me for a few days to call and break up with me?

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Lioness Im sorry and feel sorry for you, I can suggest something but you have to make it in your heart to do it or make your self do it. Getting over someone is hard to do but its harder when you respond to them because you catch your self in the begging mode and you tend to think its something you caused to happen. (most times anyways)

I had to stop writing and emailing and phone calls to get over the guy that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Its so hard..

I feel that he wanted something and wile you and he was apart he stopped and thought things thru or maybe he is just trying to see what it is that your really wanting in your life.

Try and stop the letters and many phone calls and see how much he contacts you with out you contacting him. You will find what your looking for... Best of luck to you.

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I think this guy is just testing u to see if u'll wait. Guys do this kind of thing now and again, buy if u think he's worth it wait. You might miss out on something great if you don't. But. then again, they say, when it's the one, you know right away!

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Had the exact problem!!

Its been a year now, and it has become a lot easier to deal with. I just kept my distance and my eyes open for other guys and it feels so much better.

I still have feelings for him, that are 'waiting' for him.

I say do what the others have mentioned-stop contacting him, he'll soon come around and let him make any moves.

It worked for me...


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So, he is a liar. I seen him out this last weekend with another girl. This girl that he keeps insisting is just a "friend". But his roomate keeps on saying it's more than that. He said she stays over, and he's waiting to see what happens with her before he makes any choices. So, I think forget him! I am not going to be his second choice. If I am not first, and I am just a back-up plan, forget him. Thank you all who have responded. This is not going to be easy, it really hurts, but it is what has to be done!

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Well good for you sweetie. You stand your ground because you have to treat your self like the queen you are because there ain't no one going to treat you any-better then you let them treat you.

Glad to see you are moving on to a happy start some other place.

Best of luck to you.

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