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Was I completely wrong for what I have done??

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I broke up with my boyfriend of 6 years, that I dated since high school. We were each others first everything. I lost all contact with all my friends when I started dating him, I did everything i could to make him happy and it just wasnt enough. He decided to talk and see another girl 3 years of our 6 year relationship. I was completely tramatized. So I broke up with him hoping to find someone who wanted to treat me how I deserved to be treated. I was finally ready to have my time. I started hanging out with some girls from school. I guess like everyone else, when you go through a horrible break up you tend to go out just about every night and get completely hammered...atleast I did. I guess that was my way of trying to hide that I was still kind of hurting. Months have gone by since my break up annnnnnnnd..........


Unfortunetly, I started to get really close to one of the girls, We will just call her Tracy. Which I think she was a bad influence on me. I am not blaming her for my actions I completely take on full responsibilty for what I have done. Tracy lived in a different state going to school and would come visit just about every Thursday-Sunday...hints the going out and getting completely wasted. Tracy had a boyfriend of 3 years and she cheated on him, we will call him Todd. They broke up and have been broken up for a year or so at this point. She is now dating the guy she cheated on her ex with. Anyway, everywhere we went Todd would be there too. She had no intension on getting back together with him and already had a boyfriend anyway. Todd was just a lot of fun to be around. So when Tracy would go back to school, of course I would get lonely. She would always tell me to call Todd see what he's doing, ask him if he will go to your christmas party as your date, Go to the bar with him..and so and so on. So we did. We started hanging, we had a blast. We went to the bar one night and one thing let to another. I stayed at his place and we ended up sleeping together. I felt horrible but at the same time started really liking this guy and he started liking me...atleast that's what he was telling me. NOw Let me just say one thing..I know about the so called unwritten law about dating a friends ex and girls code and blah blah blah...BUT!! Todd and I connected and related in so many ways and she walked all over him, cheated, ripped his heart out of his chest and they broke up and were broken up for a year...She was dating another guy and had been for a YEAR!!


So, now Todd is really starting to like me. He wants to have a relationship. Myself on the other hand was unsure...I just thought that before jumping into a relationship we should talk to Tracy, to get her blessing. Wellllll...Todd just couldn't wait. He drunk dialed Tracy's sister the next night. Telling her EVERYTHING. I didn't know what to do. So Tracy's sister wrote me a long email telling me how she is disappointed, upset, hurt and I understand that. but then she had the nerve the tell me secretly that she thought Todd and I would make a cute couple.


Sooo Tracy and I no longer are friends..suprise suprise. I was still seeing Todd. Apparently, Tracy was telling Todd all these horrible rumors about me and that pushed him away. It was just too much drama for us to try to have a relationship.....It could have worked but things happen for a reason...Todd is still single and Tracy is still dating the guy she cheated on Todd with.


Todd has tried to contact me several times but I ignor him, I changed my phone number so he would stop calling, blocked him from IM, deleted my email, Switched jobs so I wouldn't see him out and about on my lunch break. Tracy has found it in her heart to forgive me and I am thinkful for that.


But was I completely wrong for what I did???

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Oh, the drama....


If Todd were a real man (or a mature one), he would've talked to you about the rumors and understood that women use emotional manipulation to hurt people.


Tracy is no friend of yours, no matter what you might think. Find some people who share your values system and don't cause you pain.


Well, that's this old fart's take on the matter :)

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