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Is it wrong to be friends with homos?

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Is it wrong to be friends with heterosexuals?


Sexuality has nothing to do with friendship, IMO.


OP, are you comfortable being around people who are openly gay/lesbian? You're not required to feel a certain way. I have many straight and gay friends/acquaintances and frankly I don't even think about their sexuality until questions like this arise.

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Is it wrong to be friends with heterosexuals?


Sexuality has nothing to do with friendship, IMO.


OP, are you comfortable being around people who are openly gay/lesbian? You're not required to feel a certain way. I have many straight and gay friends/acquaintances and frankly I don't even think about their sexuality until questions like this arise.


There is a reason for posting this in the religiions section you know.

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There is a reason for posting this in the religiions section you know.



Well, then in a religious context, jesus was friends with pretty much everybody, sinners and all.

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Sorry about that. I'm spiritual, not religious, and that perhaps colors my opinions. I didn't see the forum header. I just look at 'new posts'.

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Well, I can't speak for others, but for myself, I see nothing wrong with being a friend or friends with someone who is homosexual. Its not my place to judge what someone else's preference is. :)

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I'm not friends with Christian homosexuals. At least they are not friends with me after I tell them about how God hates fags.

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Citizen Erased

It's wrong if you refer to them so crudely as "homos" ;)


Sexual preference has no importance on my decision to have a friendship with someone, and frankly those who do let it impact can go to hell for all I could care ;)

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Is it wrong to be friends with homosexuals?


Not at all. They are just as human as everyone else.

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Citizen Erased
Well.. my bet is that Jesus was gay...


Perhaps you should write a books about it. You could be the next Dan Brown :p

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Perhaps you should write a books about it. You could be the next Dan Brown :p



Naah... I don't have much interest in religion ... :eek:

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From a religious POV you might as well ask "is it wrong to pass judgement on others?" Because deciding to be friends with (or not be friends with) someone based on their beliefs or sexuality or culture or race is a form of judgement. Isn't there a saying "Judge not, lest ye be judged"? I thought only God passes His judgement.


Not being friends with someone because you have nothing in common, or because you have very different viewpoints with that person (political, religious, sexual, etc.) is different. But to judge a whole group of people is narrowing your own mind and heart. There are plenty of democrats that are my friends and I'm a conservative! :)

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There is a reason for posting this in the religiions section you know.

well i must say it doesn´t matter which religion you are and what you believe in....where is the humanity.......??

people are like they are....gay ..straight....christian .....moslem...

dont matter to me...shouldn´t matter at all

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I am a Christian who believes that God doesn't like homosexuality. With that said, he also said to love everyone and to treat them as you would want to be treated. I have 3 really good friends that I have known for years and they are gay. They have treated me with respect and diginity knowing my beliefs and I do the same for them. They are kind, supportive, and honest. Isn't that what you look for in friends. Whatever happens is between them and God. I also have several family members who are gay. So why wouldn't you be friends with gays?


Good post all around.:)


Whether its truly right or wrong is not for us to decide, but for someone with a higher power.

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