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I am in pain

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I just had a the "serious relationship" discussion with the incredible girl that I have been completely and deeply in love with for about a year and a half, and I found out that she is interested in someone else (who is not interested in her..) and she thinks that we should be just friends. Needless to say, I am hurting a lot right now, this girl has been the focal point of my thoughts for a year and a half, and she's really become a part of my own identity. I can easily say that right now I am in the most pain I have ever experienced. After the fateful 2 minute conversation, I went for a very long walk in the rain, and I knew I wanted and needed to cry, but I just couldn't, which made it even worse. The fact that there was someone else came as a COMPLETE surprise to me, I had absolutely no idea. I had been talking to a lot of people about my feelings for this girl, and nobody mentioned anything like that. OK, here's part of the big problem: I am in a class with this girl 5 days a week for the next 12 weeks, and I know that it is going to be absolutely miserable, because at the beginning of this year, I tried to convince myself that I wasn't in love with this girl for two or three weeks, and I completely failed. The bottom line is that if I am in her presence, I am attracted to her, not only physically, emotionally, mentally, the whole nine yards. I think this girl is the most amazing person I have ever met, and there's nothing that I can do to convince myself otherwise. I have never had a girlfriend, and to be perfectly honest, I'm scared of being alone anymore. I go to a rather small school (around 1,700 people), and I am quite sure that there is no one else that I could ever be interested in. Here's the final part of the big problem: during this conversation, which was rather short and to the point, she left me uncertain of whether she was currently interested in someone and therefore could not be interested in me, or whether she could never possibly be interested in me at all. I tend to be an optimistic type of person, so hope springs eternal. I need help. I am hurting so much right now.

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I just had a the "serious relationship" discussion with the incredible girl that I have been completely and deeply in love with for about a year and a half, and I found out that she is interested in someone else (who is not interested in her..) and she thinks that we should be just friends. Needless to say, I am hurting a lot right now, this girl has been the focal point of my thoughts for a year and a half, and she's really become a part of my own identity. I can easily say that right now I am in the most pain I have ever experienced. After the fateful 2 minute conversation, I went for a very long walk in the rain, and I knew I wanted and needed to cry, but I just couldn't, which made it even worse. The fact that there was someone else came as a COMPLETE surprise to me, I had absolutely no idea. I had been talking to a lot of people about my feelings for this girl, and nobody mentioned anything like that. OK, here's part of the big problem: I am in a class with this girl 5 days a week for the next 12 weeks, and I know that it is going to be absolutely miserable, because at the beginning of this year, I tried to convince myself that I wasn't in love with this girl for two or three weeks, and I completely failed. The bottom line is that if I am in her presence, I am attracted to her, not only physically, emotionally, mentally, the whole nine yards. I think this girl is the most amazing person I have ever met, and there's nothing that I can do to convince myself otherwise. I have never had a girlfriend, and to be perfectly honest, I'm scared of being alone anymore. I go to a rather small school (around 1,700 people), and I am quite sure that there is no one else that I could ever be interested in. Here's the final part of the big problem: during this conversation, which was rather short and to the point, she left me uncertain of whether she was currently interested in someone and therefore could not be interested in me, or whether she could never possibly be interested in me at all. I tend to be an optimistic type of person, so hope springs eternal. I need help. I am hurting so much right now.




Is it possible for you to change classes? It's very hard to see someone you love everyday, knowing that she doesn't feel the same. You're probably not even able to concentrate on the class. So, try to get your class changed, and then allow yourself to meet new people and have some fun.

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JC I to just broke up with a person that I have cared so deeply for. We both thought that a weekend together would help our relationship but it just tore us a part. I want so badly to be in this boys' life however he doesn't want the same. I love him so deeply. We have been though so much together and I believe that we were meant to be one. The two of us broke off everything on the 21st of Feb. and it has been crazy. I see him around campus and I just want to grab him and shake him and let him know that I am the one and my love is as real as it gets. However, we have to let them figure it out on their own. If they don't then they it is truly not meant to be. Love comes naturally and if you push her then she is just going to run. Maybe she is scared. Maybe she knows that you are the one and that scares her so much. Allow yourself to be her friend and she shall come around. If not then your love is not to be. Just try to be there for her.

I just had a the "serious relationship" discussion with the incredible girl that I have been completely and deeply in love with for about a year and a half, and I found out that she is interested in someone else (who is not interested in her..) and she thinks that we should be just friends. Needless to say, I am hurting a lot right now, this girl has been the focal point of my thoughts for a year and a half, and she's really become a part of my own identity. I can easily say that right now I am in the most pain I have ever experienced. After the fateful 2 minute conversation, I went for a very long walk in the rain, and I knew I wanted and needed to cry, but I just couldn't, which made it even worse. The fact that there was someone else came as a COMPLETE surprise to me, I had absolutely no idea. I had been talking to a lot of people about my feelings for this girl, and nobody mentioned anything like that. OK, here's part of the big problem: I am in a class with this girl 5 days a week for the next 12 weeks, and I know that it is going to be absolutely miserable, because at the beginning of this year, I tried to convince myself that I wasn't in love with this girl for two or three weeks, and I completely failed. The bottom line is that if I am in her presence, I am attracted to her, not only physically, emotionally, mentally, the whole nine yards. I think this girl is the most amazing person I have ever met, and there's nothing that I can do to convince myself otherwise. I have never had a girlfriend, and to be perfectly honest, I'm scared of being alone anymore. I go to a rather small school (around 1,700 people), and I am quite sure that there is no one else that I could ever be interested in. Here's the final part of the big problem: during this conversation, which was rather short and to the point, she left me uncertain of whether she was currently interested in someone and therefore could not be interested in me, or whether she could never possibly be interested in me at all. I tend to be an optimistic type of person, so hope springs eternal. I need help. I am hurting so much right now.
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