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wife almost gone... help

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i need some advice. i am a navy salor that is deployed to sea right now and my wife want to leave me because she hates to be alone. we have a two year old daughter together and i love them both with all my heart. this is the first six month deployment that we have done together. she want to be able to leave me and find a man that isn't gone so much. but i try to tell her that at the end of my enlistment i will be done and then i can get the typical nine to five.but she doesn't want to wait she wants out of the marrage now. please some one email me and help

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hello, i need some advice. i am a navy salor that is deployed to sea right now and my wife want to leave me because she hates to be alone. we have a two year old daughter together and i love them both with all my heart. this is the first six month deployment that we have done together. she want to be able to leave me and find a man that isn't gone so much. but i try to tell her that at the end of my enlistment i will be done and then i can get the typical nine to five.but she doesn't want to wait she wants out of the marrage now. please some one email me and help



How much have the two of you talked about this? Marriage means sharing your dreams and goals together, without making demands on one another. Love lasts a lifetime. Whereas a career only lasts half of a lifetime. She is demanding that you give up your career and you are demanding that she raise your daughter alone for six months. During those six months, she will not once be able to hold you, and be comforted. She won't be able to see your smile, and feel better, knowing that you love her. Women thrive on their husband's attention and support. And she is probably so afraid of being alone for that six months that that is all she can think about right now. So let her talk about her feelings. She loves you, and she really wants you to be happy too. But fear can sometimes take over any rational thinking.

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