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Well to start things off I'll go ahead and mention that I'm 16 years old and don't have much experience with the whole dating thing. I had told the girl I like, which happens to be a close friend of mine, that I had feelings for her. Since the beginning I knew that she didn't have the same feelings for me, but I had hope anyways. That was about a month or two ago. Now I find out that she is possibly dating a good friend of mine. I honestly don't feel mad about it at all just sad. I think they make a nice couple to be honest. All I really want is to get over her as well as not feel any awkwardness when I'm in their presence. Any suggestions on how I can accomplish this? Any advice is welcome :o

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If you're uncomfortable seeing her with your friend, just try to stay away from her for a bit. Not to completely avoid her, since you are friends and all, I say just try to keep a certain amount of distance between the two of you.

You are still young, and there are still alot of other pretty girls in school. Just try to focus on school and your hobbies.

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Simply accept the facts, and move on. If you value your friendship with her then bury those "more than friends" feelings and try to be yourself around her. Dont dwell on this, as you say theres many other girls go for it!

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