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...I think I'm going to end it...


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OK, I know I just posted a really long thread about the smell of pussy...how embarrassing...but, for whatever reason this led me today to crying in a bathtub...


I love him. I really do. But I'm co-dependent. I'm relying on him for my happiness. And I've gone to maybe ridiculous measures to keep him pleased. He is a nice person and doesn't ask me to go to these measures, but it's my issue that I do. I love loving him, but I don't have much in my life going on now and this is a problem.


I can't believe this. I can't believe I'm thinking about letting go of somebody I truly love.

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I'm not voting yay, or nay, on the break up, but the things you have posted about him in the past ( the poo, check your trashcan thread, and todays P8ssy one) would surely have ME checking MY head on why I was staying with this guy !

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He doesn't sound like a prize himself but if you really do love him you can find your own interests without completely breaking it off. You have to find balance because he can't be responsible for everything. Plus if you find your own interests it will give the two of you more to talk about when you are together.

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You love this guy? Then don't throw your relationship away. Take afew days to really think this through...Work on yourself! I like Woggle's post - Find other hobby's and also, don't put all your eggs in one basket - Don't rely on your bf for ALL your happiness. He doesn't rely on you for all his happiness.


It's OK to do things apart, go out with friends, or even just to have a day to be on your own.


If you are unhappy with 'you' in general, seek some counselling, gain some self confidence so you won't let his comments upset you so much. (Though I DO think he handled this past situation about the smell and him being inexperienced at oral sex VERY badly and was immature about it.)

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I Luv the Chariot OH

I remember reading the thread where he kept saying other girls were hot, that he still had crushes from high school, and despite you telling him that it hurt you, he didn't care. I thought you should have broken up with him them. He sounds childish and inconsiderate.

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Yah, he's always sounded like a dickhead to me.


But hey, if you love him, I'm not going to tell you to leave him.


What you SHOULD do, regardless, is work on your own set of issues. They'll be there whether or not you stay in this relationship.


I'm not sure what advice to give you on that topic as I struggle with many of the same problems, and I'm single.

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I think you should break up with him. You need to find your own footing right now. You can't keep constantly trying to please him, it will only drain you physically and emotionally in the long run because he will continue to further take you for granted. I think this relationship is very unbalanced based on your bf's immaturity to see how his actions and behaviours has affected you emotionally. It's one thing to be honest, but to be out right blatant about it and pitching it to you in a " I am who I am ( you can't change that)" tone is something I, myself, can never put up with.

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Hey you,


I remember you when you had another name.


I did not respond to the shy smells thread, simply because I felt other posters' covered every possibility. I have read your threads from time to time and I wish I could give you a boost of confidence. You really need a good dose of it, and IMHO, it goes back even before this guy.


It is okay to stand up for yourself a bit. I mean don't be a ball buster but you can be a genuine person who conveys their human existence. You know. I just feel like you internalize way too much. Even in the 'shy smells' thread you went/wrote overboard with all the solutions you were going to try at once. Not that you even may have needed any of them.


This guy might not be the one for you. I have some reservations based on some stuff you have posted about him. However, don't ever think about that other ex, he was super bad news. In a way you are setting you aims higher. Sometimes when you are young (or not so young) it is a trial and error game.


You are finding out who you are and balancing that with someone else in the same boat. Honest communication might help. Have you had an uncomfortable discussion with him. It may not mean breaking up, then again that is a risk. Then another again is that if it results in a break up is it not better to resolve that you two are not compatible sooner then later? Even if it does not work out. You would have given it your all with your integrity in tact. No matter the outcome.


If you feel that insecure about things it should be addressed. With you and with him. Preferably the result will be mutual reassurance and growth. If not then understanding and letting go.

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Wait... are you the same person whose bathroom her boyfriend sniffed when he came over to figure out when she last pooped?


That thread was hilarious. It had me thinking WTF for days.


I think your bf has a very acute sense of smell. And an untactful way of saying things.


You're going to have to either learn to deal with that in a way that doesn't crush your ego, or move on. I can't see him changing anytime soon.

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I think all the things your bf has been doing are building up inside you until one day you're going to explode. You need to confront your feelings, really explore them, and take the time to understand why you feel the way you do. You seem like you only see the most recent experience, and you forget about all the rest. Then you act like its a total mystery why you would want to break up with your bf. Its not.


Its kind of like if you had a dog that crapped in the house all the time. And everytime it did that, you'd be upset but then covered it with an old rag. Then one day, you walk in and your hit with an incredibly foul smell and you think "I can't stand the smell!"... For a split second you think you have to do something about the dog crapping in the house, but two minutes later your spraying air freshener instead.


Your bf is crapping all over your relationship, and instead of you taking action to correct it, you cover it up and pretend it isn't a big deal and you bury your feelings for fear of being wrong. You're closing your eyes to the problems, and hoping they'll go away on their own. They won't.


You get one life, and it can be ripped away at any second. How do you want to live that life? Happy? Or spent crying in the tub?

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NO, my BF never smelled when I last went...what is up with that? I kind of want to read that thread now! LOL!


I feel like I haven't given my BF a fair end of the deal because generally I will come here when I'm extremely frustrated and seem to blow it out of proportion. The instance where I feel I did not blow it out of proportion was when I wrote about him talking about other girls. But when I did was when I said he thinks he is better than me because of his future aspirations. I think that was my own insecurities. He has never told me he thinks he is better than me or anything, so I do not know why I would think that.

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Wow. If you break up over honesty, then I don't see you ever being satisfied with any relationship. Anytime someone will be honest with you, you'll result to that extreme. Be thankful he's honest with you, and chill out. Maybe get a therapist and talk to them about it and learn to cope.

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