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Prince charming=cowardly jerk????? WTF??

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plus i think women are better at comparmentalizing and balancing things. men tend to be pretty single-threaded and get overwhelmed. (not a bash...just an observation.)

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Event Horizon
boys are weird. i think sometimes they scare themselves.
Yeah but girls are the same.


I liken this to dogs. Some are the kind that chase the stick and bring it back. Others, chase the stick and when they get to it, just stop.


I'll admit that in most of my relationships I have gotten scared when I got what I wanted. Sometimes I didn't think about whether I wanted to be with someone because I was too busy chasing them. But how can you truly decide if you want to be with someone before you KNOW FOR A FACT that you can have them?


At any rate, I don't think this behaviour is gender specific.



Edited by Event Horizon
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Yeah but girls are the same.


I liken this to dogs. Some are the kind that chase the stick and bring it back, others chase the stick and when they get to it just stop and lose interest.


I'll admit that in most of my relationships I have gotten scared when I got what I wanted. Sometimes I didn't think about whether I wanted to be with someone because I was too busy chasing them. But how can you truly decide if you want to be with someone until you KNOW FOR A FACT that you can have them?


At any rate, I don't think this behaviour is gender specific.




girls aren't as fearful about real emotions in general. i think men run from them more often as not. the behaviour is certainly not gender specific, or exclusive, but it is far more prevalent in males.


asor your analogy, i'd have to say that too is a far more common male trait than female


and that last part? i need to think about that, but my initial reaction to it was wow. are you saying first you have to know you've attained a woman and then you decide if you're gonna keep her or toss her back? *rubs eyes

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But how can you truly decide if you want to be with someone before you KNOW FOR A FACT that you can have them?




Am taking advantage of this male posting thing....


So, you're saying you might think "I'm not sure if I really want this so I'll catch it and see if I do?" Fair enough.


Here's my problem: Do you have to pull out ALL stops to catch us? MUST you use future plans and the whole "I love you so much, you are the most amazing person that's ever come into my life" tactic?


Have you thought for a second that SHE might actually believe you????!!! Moreover, that she might actually get to FEEL the same for you?


You can't window shop and leave the store with the goods! If you're buying, you BUY! OR be clear that you're window shopping! Cause while you're busy "trying on", we're losing real customers!

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Walking away



I am teasing....


But, I can't help but notice that when confronted about his behavior, Event Horizon disappeared!


(Just ribbing you, EH!)

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Walking away

Oh where, oh where did our Event Horizon go?


Oh where, oh where could he be...?



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Walking away



Boy, don't WE have the Midas Touch!?


Regular freaking magicians, we are!

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he tossed us a stick and just...vanished!




to his credit, he appears to be the only man who even attempted to participate here.

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Your crackin' me up and I needed a good laugh as I get ready for bed. Am I the only east coaster here? Maybe just the only one that took a .5 xanax and needs to go lay down. Of course I have to go and mold the minds of young people in the morning...look at what a good role model I am!

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WE drove him away!


It's our fault of course!


--being too pushy! ROTFL!



Wait that's my role...I'm the pushy one, remember? It must be MY pushiness and neediness that drove him away.

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By Golly I think we've got it!!!!


this IS how it happens!


who's the real magicians? THEM for dissapearing? or US for making them do so?



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Walking away



It's a record.


We are able to make a man who doesn't even KNOW us disappear!


(David Copperfield, move over!)

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Your crackin' me up and I needed a good laugh as I get ready for bed. Am I the only east coaster here? Maybe just the only one that took a .5 xanax and needs to go lay down. Of course I have to go and mold the minds of young people in the morning...look at what a good role model I am!


i'm in GA lol and not doing xanax. hell i can't even drink cuz i'd get all maudling and drunk dial and stuff lol


as long as you don't pop the xanax in front of the kiddies, you're fine ;)

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I used to think it was a unique quality I had...I could simply make a man vanish from the face of the planet. It's nice to know we have a sisterhood of man-vanishing women here!@

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It's a record.


We are able to make a man who doesn't even KNOW us disappear!


(David Copperfield, move over!)


lol...we're too aggressive?


(he probably just needed to get some sleep...hahaha! which i should too!)

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Walking away
Wait that's my role...I'm the pushy one, remember? It must be MY pushiness and neediness that drove him away.



I will try to be charming and classy and see if he comes back....


But, oops!


That didn't work for me either!


Sorry ladies....


I can't get him back even though Far Behind pushed him away...



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This is good. We are making even virtual men disappear. We have the magic power. Damn we're good.

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Event Horizon
and that last part? i need to think about that, but my initial reaction to it was wow. are you saying first you have to know you've attained a woman and then you decide if you're gonna keep her or toss her back? *rubs eyes
Well not on purpose and I wouldn't phrase it like that but there have been times when a woman began changing her life for me and the reality of what was happening hit me. I guess you could say I have a hard time imagining what being with a woman(forever) would be like until I know that idea can be a reality. I'm not sure this makes any sense. I've never tried to verbalize it like this but I know all people want what they can't have to a certain degree.


are you trying to tell me that if any of you girls KNEW for a FACT that you could have these men..... that you're DONE shopping? That you'd marry them and NEVER break their heart?




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Man I needed this laugh tonight!


Eastern time here too but am only on my second drink! lol


this is the most i've laughed in weeks though!


cheers for that!

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Cheers to all of us.

Here is another giggle...someone complimented me on my weight loss today...I said it was the anxiety diet. It was caused by __ass-wipe_______, and as I was finished with him, she could take him now and see how much weight he could cause her to lose. He is also good for curing one from internet dating, which I have no intention of trying again any time soon.

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Well not on purpose and I wouldn't phrase it like that but there have been times when a woman began changing her life for me and the reality of what was happening hit me. I guess you could say I have a hard time imagining what being with a woman(forever) would be like until I know that idea can be a reality. I'm not sure this makes any sense. I've never tried to verbalize it like this but I know all people want what they can't have to a certain degree.


are you trying to tell me that if any of you girls KNEW for a FACT that you could have these men..... that you're DONE shopping? That you'd marry them and NEVER break their heart?





it makes perfect sense. i even posted a post here in this topic about an old nat king cole song that i think describes this perfectly...


and yes, i would have been done shopping with this one. he was truly perfect in every way but one.

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Walking away

Oh by God!


He's back!


Maybe my charm worked...


Did it, Event Horizon...? :)

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