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Is it really over?


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Maybe my problem is really common but i feel like i am the only one that feels this way.


I broke up with Mike 7 weeks ago today.Our relationship was pretty good overall. When we first met we were friends for a month and then things heated up quick. We were always proud we took things slow. Alright I never had any proof that he was cheating...Except I once talked to an ex-girlfriend of his. (I found her # on his pager)When we first met he told me they haven't talked for months which he later changed to yeah she calls and bothers me and won't leave me alone. He also told me she spent the night at his house a couple of times because she had family problems. After that we broke up for a month. We got back together because it was what we both wanted. Now after thatwe were together a couple of months.Everything became routine. We never went out anywhere he just came to my house after work (Proably because I live closer to where he works than he did. Anyhow to end this story He went to a friends party one night. I was invited but since I don't like most of his friends (For good Reason) I didn't go. He came to my house after that night at 4 am. (Which also became a habit the last 3 weeks of our relationship)He smelt like womens perfume and here is the kicker..His cigarette back had the top missing from it.I asked why was it missing he said he gave his number to someone. I didn't stay to ask why. I just left the room and didn't talk to him. He left for work and he said he would call me from work.He never did and I never called him. A month went by and I was drunk called him and left a message.He called me 4 times until i called him back. He said he loved me and realizes what a big mistake he made and he lost the best thing he ever had. I played really cool etc...Now to end this boring story i told him give me a call sometime this week anytime after 8:00. He was suprised and how aloof I was being. That was 2 weeks ago and he hasn't called. I miss him like crazy but I am wondering if I should call him or just leave it. I believe we could make it work with a few changes but should I just wait and hope he calls? Is it worth it?Pelase any advice would be great

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Jennifer: I totally know where you are coming from! I have been sitting here for exactly 3 weeks to the day, waiting for a call too! Don't give in to calling him. Why call someone like THEM! I always think that if someone wants to talk to you, they will call. Don't chase him. He's the one making the mistakes and in my case; it's the same, so why are we sitting around waiting? Why are we the ones missing and wanting something that we obviously aren't getting?

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I too think Jennifer should bail, but only cause he sounds like a bit of a dog. Sometimes a guy wants to call, but does't because he thinks it would only cause the girl more pain. If he really cares, he'll be sitting around bumming out, thinking only about her, their situation, and his feelings.


Sometimes its hardest to be honest with yourself, in deciding exactly what you want


and what you need.

Jennifer: I totally know where you are coming from! I have been sitting here for exactly 3 weeks to the day, waiting for a call too! Don't give in to calling him. Why call someone like THEM! I always think that if someone wants to talk to you, they will call. Don't chase him. He's the one making the mistakes and in my case; it's the same, so why are we sitting around waiting? Why are we the ones missing and wanting something that we obviously aren't getting?


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