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what's his deal?


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I met a guy and we seemed to hit it off really well. When I called a couple days later he seemed happy to hear from me and asked me if he could call me the next day. This is all good :)


He didn't call the next day (or the next or the next...) so, I translate this to mean that he is not interested in me, cut your losses and move on. I called him a week later because it seemed that we had hit it off and for my own knowledge (not trying to get him "back" or anything) I wanted to know what had changed. His message (cell phone) went something along the lines of "please be sure to leave your number b/c I lost my phone" In my message I left my phone number and said I would call back later (not wanting to wait for his call, although if he lost his phone I guess I won't be able to reach him later.)


Can any of the more technically minded souls explain how the message could be changed if he did indeed loose his phone?


Because I did like this guy, my first hope was that he had lost my number and COULDN'T call me; however, I had written my number on a piece of paper for him, which he at one point he said he would "keep forever" (this being because I met him when he was checking me out in his car. I grabbed a piece of paper, wrote down my number, attached it to a rock, and threw it through his open car window. hehe, still proud of myself for that :D )


So....what now? I still would like to see him again or at least know what his perspective on the whole thing was. or should I just forget it?

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Just forget it. Stop calling him. You've called him, left your number. If he wants to talk to you, he will call you back.


And to change the message in his phone, all he had to do was call it and set up the message through the menus.

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perhaps he lost his cell phone, which had all the phonenumbers in the addressbook?


most people have multiple phone#'s nowadays *sigh*



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I would err on the side of just forgetting about it. You already took the initiative to contact him twice. Give him a chance to reciprocate before you look desperate.


You can still check your voice mail from a regular phone. You just dial your cell phone number and when the voice mail picks up, you enter your pin and you can access the voice mail system. You can listen to messages from there and also change the main greeting, so that's how he is accessing it. He'll get your voice mail and if he wants to call you back, he will.



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Thank you for your input. I find the best way for me to refrain from calling somebody is to delete his/her number from my cell phone (which is like my address book :) ) But I gave his number to one of my trusted friends, who won't call him, but will save the number in case I ever have need of it (you never know in this crazy world) but will also keep me from calling obsessively. :) hehe.


wow, and y'all are pretty smart with the cell phone thing! I can't check my voice mail from another phone (it won't let me!) so I assumed other people couldn't either. ooops.

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