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Why don't women call?


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I went out to the bar and met a girl who I actually had a good laid back conversation with. She was with her friends and they were going to anouther bar in the town and they invited me with them.(I assumed this means the girl liked me?) We hung out at the second bar for a while and when I came back to the table, the girls' friends asked me how big my dick was/is. (It's very big) The girls then told me that the girl I liked wanted to see it. I wipped it out under the table and they all looked at it. They told me it was big and that most people would want one. I got embarrassed and started fretting. They reassured me and said they had to go. I left my number with the girl but she never called. Did I embarrass them for embarrassing me? Did she think I was a male whore for wipping it out? I thought that she'd like me more after having seen it and I was trying to act humble by being embarrassed. I have never met a chick that I got along with better than her. Please help.

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No decent woman in the entire universe wants to have anything to do with a man who will pull out his penis to show it off to total strangers...in a public place no less. Sorry, you lost out on what could have been a very nice lady.


Your behavior is quite bizarre. Also, undercover police officers who may be in a club can arrest you in a heartbeat for indecent exposure, you would probably get your name in the newspaper, lose your job, be an embarassment to your friends, and get some jail time. That's not the kind of guy women are looking for.



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