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Temporary feelings?

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I short time ago I wrote about a real good guy friend I have that was interested in me but I wasn't in him but we had a lot of fun together. Well, he did end up getting involved romantically with someone...me. Somewhere along the line in the past month my feelings changed. Things have been great and we're still having fun and our friendship is deepening. Yet, still, I'm not entirely sure this is what I want for the long term. I've always been the "forever" type thinker and I've never gotten involved with someone like this unless I saw a future with him.


I'm not in love with my friend, but I do love him and I think he's wonderful. I would miss him horribly if I quit seeing him, and I'm not sure I could be around him anymore as casual friends only. In other words, I don't regret that we've taken the friendship deeper, it's been a positive experience. I'm just wondering if it's really okay to take one day at a time and just enjoy what is happening in the present and not worry about the future. I'd really like to have a committed relationship some day, but I don't want to have doubts about the person, I want to be totally sure. As attracted as I am to my friend, there are still some things about him I'm not sure about. Nothing major, it's mostly physical things, and a couple personality things. It's ok for now, but I'm not sure if that's what I would want on a "permanant" basis.

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These doubts are quite natural.


In time you will know, but for now just focus on enjoying the present and not stressing on what may or may not be.


Just let your feelings unfold naturally at their own pace and don't force them to happen.


Eventually things fall into place-at the right time.

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