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30, fem, teacher with crush on teenage boy who has hots for me too. Temptation.

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How can any adult woman find teenage boys attractive? They are all pimply and sweaty and hyperactive. Ugh :sick:


I know, right? All bumbling and awkward - even the really handsome ones! It is this fact that makes me feel the OP has some serious problems. She stated that when she has dealt with him privately, he DOES get all awkward and it is appealing to her. Clearly she is craving the power of having the upperhand in this scenario. So she is really no different than a rapist if she goes through with this. It will not matter if the kid is willing or not, his awkwardness is from finding himself in a situation he is not ready for. Pushing something on someone who, no matter how willing they are to BE pushed, isn't ready for it is why we have statutory rape laws.

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Citizen Erased

I'm 20, and I would still not want someone that young.


I recall having a crush on one of my teachers. He would probably go for it now I am 20, but then I never thought it should go beyond perving on him, and he saw me as a teenaged girl, his best student (of course, when your teacher is gorgeous you tend to do your best :p) perhaps, but nothing romantic. The way it should be.


In answer to Kamille, Year 12 in my state in Australia finishes in November. Other states are pretty much the same. So, I doubt she is from here.

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How can any adult woman find teenage boys attractive? They are all pimply and sweaty and hyperactive. Ugh :sick:

There was a really funny SNL sketch about this around the time of Pam Smart. They were talking about how hot it is to bed down a guy who likes to talk about his Nintendo high scores, smells like Doritos and has skid marks in his underwear.

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There was a really funny SNL sketch about this around the time of Pam Smart. They were talking about how hot it is to bed down a guy who likes to talk about his Nintendo high scores, smells like Doritos and has skid marks in his underwear.

That was Amy and Tina on Weekend Update, wasn't it? That was pretty funny seeing two hot women riffing on how turned on they were by all that stuff...

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That was Amy and Tina on Weekend Update, wasn't it? That was pretty funny seeing two hot women riffing on how turned on they were by all that stuff...

Yes, Tina Fey. It was hilarious. Very dry delivery.

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I like how she seemed more concerned with losing her job and how she is going to find an outlet for these feelings, instead of the guy she is engaged to. This woman is 30? She acts like she is fresh out of high school.


Ah people these days, did we lose all our morals?

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Does anyone else have this problem?


Not me. But Mary Kay Letourneau and Vili Fualaau did. They are happily married now and living with their two daughters in an ocean-front house in Oregon, and are trying for another baby.


You can check the story here if you haven't yet. You can see the connection that they have in the videos if you launch them.


How do I get some perspective?


Well, I'd say the chances that you have a soul-connection with that guy are pretty slim. I think you just like him and have the hots for him.


Probably if he moves away after graduation you'll forget.


Should I avoid this boy completely?


With the absolutely crazy society that we live in now, I'd say is the best choice for you not to get in trouble and go straight to jail.


In other countries and in the good old times people were getting married and having sex at 12, but now a days, if you have sex with an under-aged boy that wants you too, is a crime.


I'd say stay clear away from the therapists. They are the worst poison you can ever find, and most of them are absolutely idiotic.


Or should I approach him and tell him I like him but hes "1/2 my age so its impossible"?


Yeah, you can talk to him. Most likely he is going to be encouraged by that and try and pursue you. He must think that you won't go for him now and is frustrated about that part. The moment he knows you want him too he'll probably become more aggressive than he already was.


Is this a deeper signal that I have cold feet and dont want to marry my honey of 2 years?


That relationship is probably going to go to hell in a matter of time.


Am I actually some kind of closet pedophile?


No, not at all. Pedophiles are people who like to bank on the innocence of children who don't know what they are doing for their kink.

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There is no way it can end well. Limit your contact as much as possible, classes only, no talks after class without other faculty present, no rides no casual interactions.


Don't ruin your teaching career and this student's sense of self, approach to authority and relationships.

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I like how she seemed more concerned with losing her job and how she is going to find an outlet for these feelings, instead of the guy she is engaged to. This woman is 30? She acts like she is fresh out of high school.


Ah people these days, did we lose all our morals?


Exactly! Well put.

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Legal or not, a healthy 30 year old woman that wants to jump on a healthy almost 18 man is one of the most natural things in the world and the currently fashionable morals of the moment are not going to change that. Comments about the health of her relationship with her betrothed are right on however, as are helpful comments with regard to the foolishness of getting into legal hassles over something like this.


Go have the gym teacher give his favorite female student a break and have a go at you instead lady.

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First off, she is not a pedophile, pedophiles like pre-pube kids..she just really wants out of her relationship and is grasping at straws. Anything to not get married.



And lastly, he is not even a fully functioning man yet....YUCK! I bet it looks like it's in order, but, blech.....really, blech...not fully functioning. Like buying a Porsche with a hyundai engine.


Seek help, and dump your fiance, because you want to anyways.

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And lastly, he is not even a fully functioning man yet....


I agree with most of your post but I bet everything works just fine on this lad. Also bold was a bit over the top.

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Sure makes me wish you were my teacher... Wait for him to turn 18, stay in contact. Gotta live life to it's fullest and indulge in your fantasies. Otherwise, it aint worth living.

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  • 2 weeks later...
First off, she is not a pedophile, pedophiles like pre-pube kids..she just really wants out of her relationship and is grasping at straws. Anything to not get married.



And lastly, he is not even a fully functioning man yet....YUCK! I bet it looks like it's in order, but, blech.....really, blech...not fully functioning. Like buying a Porsche with a hyundai engine.


Seek help, and dump your fiance, because you want to anyways.


Disagree my friend. She doesnt want to get out of being married. She doesnt see him that often. We have to no more about her relationship with her fiance to find that out. You can just say to some that they want out without finding the true facts.


Also a pedophile, or paedophile isnt necessary of pre-pubescent kids. Younger adolescents, under the legal age also apply.


The dictionary refers to

Pedophilia or paedophilia (Commonwealth usage) is the primary or exclusive sexual attraction of adults to prepubescent children. A person with this attraction is called a pedophile or paedophile.[1] The ICD-10 and DSM IV, which are standard medical diagnosis manuals, describe pedophilia as a paraphilia and mental disorder of adults or older adolescents, if it causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.[2]

Research into the etiology of pedophilia has been confounded by imprecise use of the term "pedophile" to describe those accused or convicted of child sexual abuse under sociolegal definitions of "child" (inclusive of both prepubescent children and adolescents younger than the local age of consent), rather than the correct usage that describes adult sexual attraction specifically to biological children. [3]



Edited by Ukwizard
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Here is the problem I have with this whole post. If a man came on here and told a similar story, he'd be branded a pervert and a statch rapist.


What is with the double standard when it comes to female teachers who rape or want to have sex with their students?

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They have all the right in the world to say whatever they want to.


And if her "fiancee" is a kind and loving person, then she'd be doing him a favor by dumping him since she'd like to boff a kid.

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I HATE our stupid culture. If I was that boy, I would be telling you all to kiss my a$$. Yeah, yeah, yeah for legal reasons you should steer clear. Forget losing the job, you could be nationally crucified for doing a horny young man with an obvious brain to make up his own mind if he is being "taken advantage of". Screw that, when I was 12, I would have seriously given a testicle to have a sexual relationship with a 30 year old teacher.



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burning 4 revenge
I HATE our stupid culture. If I was that boy, I would be telling you all to kiss my a$$.

Why do I get the impression you have more respect for Sodom and Gommorah than Holy Jerusalem :laugh:

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I don't think I believe in Sodom and Gommorah. And I have more respect for my home town than I do for Jerusalem. As a nonreligious person, I don't hold anything as "holy".

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  • 1 month later...

A teacher of any age dating a student is clearly wrong. That said, I'm not sure I agree that it's wrong in general for an adult woman to have sex with a boy of 16. Boys of that age are hardly innocent in a sexual sense. I find it odd that the same standards are applied regardless of gender. It's hard to imagine a grown man recounting a sexual experience he had at the age of 16 with a hot older woman as "scarring." An adult man having sex with a 16 year old girl is very different because it's far easier for a man to take advantage of a woman, women peak sexually at an older age, and sex is more emotionally charged for them. Then there's the whole issue of how it's technically against the law for an 18-year-old to have sex with a 16-year-old, which is absurd. I know I will get a good whipping for saying this...

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Then there's the whole issue of how it's technically against the law for an 18-year-old to have sex with a 16-year-old, which is absurd. I know I will get a good whipping for saying this...


Absurd? This is the laws way of protecting those clearly incapable of making decisions and punishing those people who take advantage of such. Yourself for instance falling outside that protective age blanket of the law, finds it extremely hard to deal with basic relationship issues let alone difficult ones (such as a pregnancy) do you think a 16 year old would fair better having not established her education/life yet? A 16 year old deserves no less protection, if you thought along mature lines (and i know you like to talk a good talk) people would never question or jeopardize a child that age.

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Absurd? This is the laws way of protecting those clearly incapable of making decisions and punishing those people who take advantage of such. Yourself for instance falling outside that protective age blanket of the law, finds it extremely hard to deal with basic relationship issues let alone difficult ones (such as a pregnancy) do you think a 16 year old would fair better having not established her education/life yet? A 16 year old deserves no less protection, if you thought along mature lines (and i know you like to talk a good talk) people would never question or jeopardize a child that age.


So it's okay for a sixteen year old to have sex with another sixteen year old but not a seventeen or eighteen year old? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me...

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So it's okay for a sixteen year old to have sex with another sixteen year old but not a seventeen or eighteen year old? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me...


The law protects children until they are legally an adult. Which is a stretch to say because many of legal adult age are nothing more than glorified children with rights of an adult. Needless to say the law exists to protect..period. Regardless of it being 2 years or 20 years older. People under the specified 'adult' age legally are deemed incapable of making rational life/adult decisions. As an adult (well by definition) how can you even question such?


If sixteen year olds are being promiscuous then that speaks a lot for their parents and morals. They are not mature enough to understand the implications which can come from such so naturally it will fall on the guardians. As for adults preying on such, by all means throw them in General Population, they are harming children by definition.

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