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cant talk

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Im 15 yrs old i just moved to texas from kansas and theris this girl down the street that i really like. she seem like the coolest. But i need help i dont really know what to say i dont know what are the right questions are to ask and when to ask them.......I NEED YOUR HELP

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You better get down there and introduce yourself as soon as possible....ask her about the neighborhood, the people, how long she's been there, where she goes to school. Sit down and make up a list of things you can talk about.


If you don't talk to her soon, I will make it a point to talk to her myself and I know she'll like me better!!!

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since you're new to the area, this gives you the perfect opportunity to ask about what to do in town for fun, what the school is like (football is always a safe topic, as people here are nuts about the game), etc. If she feels comfortable with the idea, ask her to show you some of the sights in town -- good places to eat, to hang out, to avoid and so on.


tony, I hope for your sake this girl isn't jailbait!


welcome to Texas, JT!

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What you need to do is make it a point if you are interested in this girl is to go and talk to her. Ask her her name, introduce yourself and where you live. Tell her your new to the area and you were just wondering what is there to do for fun. Anything on those lines.


But, I know kinda what your going through when you are attracted to someone and don't know what to say.


1. Introduce yourself

2. Tell her your new to the area and was wondering what there is to do for fun.

3. Maybe, when you ask her that, ask her if she would not mind joining you.

4. Ask her what she does for fun?

5. How old is she?

6. What year in school is she in?

7. What are some interests and hobbies?



Anything like that will spark up conversation. Just go over there and introduce yourself as a starter. Then take it from there. Good luck to you and let us know how you made out.

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