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utilizing cohab agreement @ breakup

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I had a full time job with seniority, insurance & benefits. I had a nicely fully furnished apartment & a car with a lease up in November. Tim had me move in his large Central home where when he & his buddis unload my things, they took them, bought them or gave them away as Tim said he had those things.



Tim was adamant I quit my job to be available to him. He had me work at his "gentleman's" club 2 times a week where I made good $, but he does not want me in his business.



Out-of-the-blue,Tim has had his attorney write up another document different from the cohabitation agreement, wanting to give me 8,000.00 to replace ALL my household belongings, take care of the new deposits & obtain a place, by 8/01/03.


He had verbally said he would pay my monthly bills which are about $1100.00. He has only paid June & July, not paid off anything & my credit card is maxed. He is currently paying my medical insurance, but said he would for 6 months. That is included in the $ he's giving me,


I don't feel I am being treated fairly-I shouldn't have even less than when I met him, I'm not asking for more, just acceptable replacement.

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In my opinion, whatever happened to you was deserved for letting some jerk completely take over your life in return for you falling for his BS promise to support your whims.


Your post is very vague but I take it that he became somewhat of a sugar daddy to you, though perhaps there was some fondness. He wanted you to be totally available to him and made you give up your life in return for his promise to supply your needs.


Well, I hope you learned your lesson. It just doesn't work that way. When people get married, it's called divorce. When people are just living together, it's called "I'm tired of this arrangement, here's a few bucks and get lost."


You got shafted but it's your fault, not his. I can't believe you would just give up your entire life on the promise of some dude that he would take care of you.


If you have a legal document and contract with the provisions he promised, take it to an attorney and file a lawsuit. Otherwise, see an attorney to explore if there was some sort of verbal or implied contract in this living arrangement. In other words, did you promise to do certain things for him in return for making the sacrifices you did and did he actually promise to restore you to your previous financial and property status if the arrangement was terminated. In that case, it would depend on the legal status of that particular verbal contract according to the laws of your area.


If you tell a judge you didn't know him very long before you moved in with him and that this was mostly about money...and sex....the judge may decide this was a veiled prostitution situation and jail both of you. Don't take that chance. Get legal representation.


Good luck. I think there are some ladies...but not many....who would have fallen for this scenario without some serious legal protection.

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