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he's threatening himself if I don't stay quiet


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My emotionally abusive boyfriend said he'd break up with me if I didn't say he wasn't abusive and I couldn't lie. He broke up with me. He's built up all his friends with stories of how horrible I am, and half-truths about things I've done and he won't let me near them to clear myself.

After he broke up with me I said I'd tell everyone the truth. Now he's sending me texts threatening to kill himself. "I'm gonna paint your bed with my brains" and when I told him I took his gun to a friend's house "Don't think there aren't other ways to make a very messy end"

I know I need to stand up and stop being the victim and say "I was abused" but I don't know if this is a mistake or not. I don't know what to do. I'm trying to have someone be here when he gets off work because I'm scared for what he might do. I know it can't be me because I'm scared for myself.

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The next time he threatens you with a suicide, call 911 and report it. Call them every single time he threatens you with suicide. That should stop his threats. At the very least, he will be taken into custody and given the help he truly needs.

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I took his gun to a friend's house "Don't think there aren't other ways to make a very messy end"


Call 911. This guy has his own gun and is threatening to kill himself. He has some serious issues and needs medical attention. Definately listen to what LB is telling you!


HE needs to be assessed in a pysch ward.

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Honestly just from being around abusive people most of my life I can tell you that most of them abusive men/bfs the most I think are to into them selves to to it anyways.


There threats are just another way to control the situation and more so control you! You've made the 1st step you have left good for you thats the hardest part.


Now make the next one and remove his number from your phone don't have any contact and if you have to get your # changed if your sharing mutual friends then maybe its time to consider getting some new friends.



After all if you feel you have to prove yourself to them then their not that much support/help anyways are they? Mutual friends is also just another way for him to still play games with you.


Stop worrying about this piece of s*it excuse for a man and start working on rebuilding your life and happiness start by breaking whats left of the control he has over you!


And if after your best efforts to do this he still insists on being a pain in your @ss then go the legal path and get a restraining order.



I would also keep track of the old texts and threats just in case you need them as evidence in the future to show just how unstable and abusive/ threatening this guy has been toward you.

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I echo the sentiments of LB and WWIU. Call the police. Also, try to tell a friend about what's going on. Make sure they know so that they can be there for you if need be.

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