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His reaction...hate me or afraid of me?

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My ex recently just did something similar, only much more hurtful. Broke up, cried and beg'd her way back into my life, dumped the guy she was dating and got back together with me...Broke up with me 3 weeks later and 3 months later was back to dating the other guy again. This is after being together for almost 4 years, and almost getting married.


I can tell you right now that the only reason I got back together with her the first time (and the last time!) was because she made all the effort. I wasn't even talking to her and had deleted her from my life. But after several months of that she started calling, text, and then emailing me telling me how she was sorry, made the biggest mistake of her life. BUT, she just ended up breaking my heart 3 weeks later again and for good.


I won't say I don't miss her, I do and there isn't a day that I don't think maybe she'll wake up again and see what a big mistake she made. But when you hurt someone that bad, I can promise you I won't be the one asking her back....no at all....I would do exactly what your ex has done and is doing. I"m surprised he even returns some of your calls and texts. I wouldn't do any of that, I mean right now...I have so much hate towards my ex it's unreal. But, I still love her, and that will probably always be there, and I'm sure it's the same for your ex.


All I can say is, if you really really want to be with him, make damn well sure of it! This guy doesn't deserve you walking over his heart for a 3rd time! If he doesn't want anything to do with you and a relationship....then leave him alone and stay away from his life and let him live it!

thanks for the advice, this is what i was looking for, someone in a similar situation. I make the story a little harsher than it probably was. I mean the second time when we were hanging out, we werent really dating, not hooking up really just kinda hanging out... Ya the whole point about how he returns my texts confuses me completely. I hadnt made a effort to talk to him this week but then i finally caved and he replied within 2.5. So that is what throws me off. I actually just told him i wrote him a email explaining alot of my actions, and i was completely truthful, including me being selfish. Just to clarify alot of things, instead of him thinking my intentions were different than i intended. I think being that i was 18 i did not really give him that explanation, whether it be us talking again out of it or him getting some closure from some things.

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plus their has been some times he initiated it, but ever since he moved to co for a couple mouths for a job and then moved back. He sent me a happy new years text another time told me his mom still writes my bday in her calender every year.

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ok this is exactly what confuses me. I texted him asking him a question on if i have food poisoning if i should go to the doctor or let it runs it course and he replied that i should go to the doc. Then this is after we conversed a little via text the day before. Well This morning i woke up to a text saying "are you feeling better".

Whats his deal????? besides driving me crazy....

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I don't understand you at all..


YOU initiate conversation by texting him about your bout with food poisoning... I'm sure there are other people you can ask, cause he's not a doctor.. but whatever...He answers you saying you should see a doctor..(I'm surprized he's responding to you). Now since YOU mentioned to him that you're sick.. the cordial thing to do is to check up on you, which is him asking how you are... and it's driving YOU crazy??


His response to your text is driving you crazy???


Seriously.. what are you trying to accomplish here???

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