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He just stopped talking to me.

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Okay, for the sake of this post, I'll call the guy I love 'Jason'.


Two years ago, me and Jason kind of fell in love with each other, and we were friends for quite some time. But we never actually got 'together' because we were both pretty shy people and we both moved to different schools. His best friend had a crush on me all this time, and when I talk to him on MSN, he says that Jason talks about me a lot, saying stuff like 'I don't know why I miss Carisse so much today'.


So for about a month after we moved schools, we had no contact at all, partly because it was a holiday, and I couldn't go online. Then after that, in the next month, Jason started talking to me, being less shy and more open. And I could just tell we loved each other so much...


Then after just one MSN conversation, he just quit talking to me. I tried to add him in various ways, on MSN, so many times, but he would never go online, OR he blocked me. I also added him on social networks he used, Bebo and Facebook, he accepted all my friend requests but whenever I posted comments or anything, he never replied. I tried to ask his best friend why he wouldn't talk to me, and he said that 'Jason is nervous and shy', which I had no idea why he would be.


I used to imagine what could be going on in his mind, but now that he stopped talking to me, I can't imagine why, at all. My friends try to add him on MSN, and asking him about me, and why he wouldn't talk to me, and once when my bff asked if it was true that "Jason's best friend was right that Jason didnt care about Carisse anymore" and Jason replied 'NO'.


I just want to know why he would do that, at all.

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What exactly indicated that you were so in love with each other? What did you say to each other to conclude this? It could be that he didn't get that out of it.

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Well, we first talked a lot on MSN, and he told his best friend that he really loved me, and his bestfriend told me too. And at the same time I told my bff and she told him too...

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Sorry I just don't know what to tell ya here...can't read his mind, but perhaps his social anxiety is really that bad...like he might realize that chatting on MSN would eventually have to lead to in-person contact and such, which might scare the crap outta him. either that or for some reason, he just isn't interested anymore, and started liking someone else. I say lay low a while and see if he contacts you.

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...He's never had feelings like this towards anyone, he's never felt this way about anyone, and it terrifies him.


He is drawn to you like iron is to a magnet.

Imagine being the piece of iron.

There you are, minding your own business, and then whenever this

object comes close you lose your balance, you can't control yourself,

and you come under the power of something outside of you.

It must be very frightening.


He is drawn to you like a moth to a flame.

The moth will actually fly directly into a fire and burn.

He feels the pull, the draw, to you and

fears that he, too, will be burned.

That his heart will be broken.


Because not only is he afraid that you don't feel the same way,

but even if you do he knows deep down in his soul that love

means allowing yourself to be vulnerable,

to stepping outside of your lobster shell and

and being exposed to pain, hurt and loss.


He knows that only love can break his heart.


So, he's not talking to you because he doesn't like you,

on the contrary, he isn't talking to you because

he's terrified about how strongly he feels

about you.


Tread gently.

You will have to carefully coax and nicely nudge him,

slowly gain his trust.


You will have to initiate the next step.

Call him, talk to him, ask him to go for lunch.

Remember, you are the magnet, you are the flame.

So, again...

be gentle.

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Thank you, for both of your opinions. Thanks especially to wiseguy, because I never thought in that direction before. Your writing is beautiful and it inspired me to hope. Again, thank you.

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