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Countdown - How long till you see your SO?

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4 more days!!!!! I wish it was today :(


This Friday!!!!!!!! but I won't be there until 9:30 pm :( so really, it should only be 3 days, not 4. I can't wait!!!

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60 days.


He's leaving for vacay with his family in a few days, so I'll be counting down alone. :(

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Aww, EMBeee and Jordane, enjoy your time! :)



My countdown is 4 months still. Yesterday, my SO said he really didn't want to wait anymore and would try to come next week. I was sooo happy and excited. But it turned out that he had less time than he thought (work for another week, and university starting earlier than he thought) and that it would be terribly expensive to book a flight now. :( :( I agree that it's too expensive... we are both students and it's currently almost twice as much as it usually is when you book early... he cannot come... but still, it's just a really bad feeling when you thought for a moment that it could work. :(

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