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Countdown - How long till you see your SO?

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15 more days to go.


This time has actually gone by pretty fast. I'm surprised and very happy about that.

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Island Girl
15 more days to go.


This time has actually gone by pretty fast. I'm surprised and very happy about that.


Lucky duck!!


And time does go by quickly. I am so thankful for that.

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15 more days to go.


This time has actually gone by pretty fast. I'm surprised and very happy about that.



You really are lucky. That will go by so fast. Before you know it you will be running down the arrival gate ate the airport. :sick:(<-that's the green eyed monster by the way)

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Island Girl
:sick:(<-that's the green eyed monster by the way)


:sick: x a million for me!!


And that goes triple to everyone here who is looking forward to a deadline when they'll see their SO!


LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY :bunny:___:bunny:___:bunny:


















and I am jealous jealous jealous. :mad::(

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Spirit of the Ocean

94 looooong days :( long distance sucks!!


Island Girl, sorry about hijacking this thread but hopefully the 'year' will fly by! (i read your previous thread). Immigration ppl usually give a rough estimate but there's the very real possibility that it could be sooner (been there, done that). Hopefully your LDR will become a normal distance relationship very very soon! :)

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19 more days till I get wrapped up in the insanity again. Ohhhh, I love it. :bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny:

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14 days left now.


This will be the last time that he comes to see me for a few months. I'm going up there for a week in June, and then he's coming down for my birthday in July. After that, who knows when we'll find the time to see each other. I didn't expect to see him this much and be so far away. But, I'll take it!:love::love::love:


Good luck to everyone who is patiently waiting on the chance to see their SO's face again!

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Sorry if this makes everyone turn even greener but I'm soooo excited can't contain myself :D - it's now 33 hours for me!!! :bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::love:

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Sorry if this makes everyone turn even greener but I'm soooo excited can't contain myself :D - it's now 33 hours for me!!! :bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::love:



WoW so green right now. I hope you have fun!

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Lovin a scrapper

I know that she just left a couple of weeks ago but its already less than 100 days and now down to 99 days. It may sound like a lot but it goes by pretty fast and especially since Ill be busy over the next few months. The exciting thing is that this will be the last trip to visit for either of us cause in October I will be moving to Oregon to be with her forever. We have also set a wedding date of August 14, 2010 on a beach on the Oregon coast!!!!!

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Island Girl
I know that she just left a couple of weeks ago but its already less than 100 days and now down to 99 days. It may sound like a lot but it goes by pretty fast and especially since Ill be busy over the next few months. The exciting thing is that this will be the last trip to visit for either of us cause in October I will be moving to Oregon to be with her forever. We have also set a wedding date of August 14, 2010 on a beach on the Oregon coast!!!!!


Congratulations to you! YAY!


I love the success stories!




If it looks like it is going to be at least a year I am going to do whatever I can to get there for a few weeks in about 6 months or so.

I just need to see him...

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Lovin a scrapper

IG, I hope so bad that you get to see him as soon as possible. I have not been here in this forum long but I see you always giving your best advice, cheering people up, congratulating them (and thank you so much for that), and being there for them during very trying times for some on here. Your unselfishness is awesome. I cant wait to read your post when that the time has finally come for you to see him again. Hopefully sooner than later cause you deserve it so much.

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Island Girl
IG, I hope so bad that you get to see him as soon as possible. I have not been here in this forum long but I see you always giving your best advice, cheering people up, congratulating them (and thank you so much for that), and being there for them during very trying times for some on here. Your unselfishness is awesome. I cant wait to read your post when that the time has finally come for you to see him again. Hopefully sooner than later cause you deserve it so much.


Very sweet post. Thank you so very much.

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IG, I hope so bad that you get to see him as soon as possible. I have not been here in this forum long but I see you always giving your best advice, cheering people up, congratulating them (and thank you so much for that), and being there for them during very trying times for some on here. Your unselfishness is awesome. I cant wait to read your post when that the time has finally come for you to see him again. Hopefully sooner than later cause you deserve it so much.



I completely second this. You are awesome Island Girl:bunny::D

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Island Girl
I completely second this. You are awesome Island Girl:bunny::D


Awwwwwww. Thank you!


Really, you guys are awesome. You all give me some much needed support.


I love this Lil' Loveshack Community. ;)

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I see my boyfriend on May 29th!!

This is going to be a very happy reunion... we separated on Feb 1st..and now he realizes he really does want me in his life, his life has not been the same without me and now he knows I AM his soul mate!!!

... When I left..I did not know if I would ever be in his arms again...I cried constantly and did not want to live life.


Now..this is all a dream come true!



Now we are counting down the days until we are together again!

After that..

I am moving in with him over the summer!!!


(I just pray he doesn't change his mind or something)

But he seems pretty set on me! ;)

Wish us luck!

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Lovin a scrapper
We have also set a wedding date of August 14, 2010 on a beach on the Oregon coast!!!!!



Due to technical difficulties we had to push the date to September 18, 2010 but hey, its all good.

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Lovin a scrapper
I see my boyfriend on May 29th!!

This is going to be a very happy reunion... we separated on Feb 1st..and now he realizes he really does want me in his life, his life has not been the same without me and now he knows I AM his soul mate!!!

... When I left..I did not know if I would ever be in his arms again...I cried constantly and did not want to live life.


Now..this is all a dream come true!



Now we are counting down the days until we are together again!

After that..

I am moving in with him over the summer!!!


(I just pray he doesn't change his mind or something)

But he seems pretty set on me! ;)

Wish us luck!



That is so awesome. I wish you the best!!!:bunny::bunny::)

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10 more days! 10 more days!!!!!


I'm so happy I could pee. Wooo!!!!!!


He's been gone to his parents house this weekend and I went to my grandfathers so its been over 24 hours since I've heard his wonderful voice and I feel like a meth addict with no more money. I need him NOWWWW! He's on his way home as we speak so it'll be all good in about an hour and a half.



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That is so awesome. I wish you the best!!!:bunny::bunny::)

Thank you Scrapper!!!:)

My whole problem is though....I miss him so much I wanna keep calling him..but I know I shouldn't do that.:rolleyes:

I don't want to drive him away..ya know???

I just don't wanna lose him again.

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Due to technical difficulties we had to push the date to September 18, 2010 but hey, its all good.

There is nothing wrong with that! You have the date set!

Yay for you!

Now I hope to get there soon one day!! (Wedding, I mean)

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Lovin a scrapper
Thank you Scrapper!!!:)

My whole problem is though....I miss him so much I wanna keep calling him..but I know I shouldn't do that.:rolleyes:

I don't want to drive him away..ya know???

I just don't wanna lose him again.



I know that I never get tired of hearing from my sweet baby. ALL of her calls are a beautiful thing to me.

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