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Countdown - How long till you see your SO?

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Two weeks have passed, but there's still about 6 months . . .

it's so hard, it feels like we were together in another life . . .

I just look at him, when we are on skype and I can't stop thinking just how much I love him and how much I want to kiss him . . . my eyes fill up with tears . . .

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Two weeks have passed, but there's still about 6 months . . .

it's so hard, it feels like we were together in another life . . .

I just look at him, when we are on skype and I can't stop thinking just how much I love him and how much I want to kiss him . . . my eyes fill up with tears . . .


Awww, I know that feeling only too well. Hang in there. Six months isn't as long as you might feel right now.

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14 more days! i can't wait this week is almost over and the weekend always goes by so fast and then next week ill be so busy studying for tests so that week will go by fast and next thing you know it will be the week that ill be going homeee! can't wait

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7 days :) But I'm not well this week, so I better be ok by next Thurs :(


Hope you feel better! My SO's sick right now too. He better get his ass better in 16 days, though. :lmao:

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Awww, I know that feeling only too well. Hang in there. Six months isn't as long as you might feel right now.


I hope that you are right. It always seems like it wasn't that long at all when it has already ended, but right now it seems that it's going to take for ever . . . Thank God that there is LoveShak, I would be going crazy by now ! It feels like we live two different lives, doesn't it ? Oh, well, at least we got to be alone today :D People that live alone ( without their parents ) don't know how lucky they are :PpP

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22 more hours! :D On the phone with him now and freaking out on how much stuff I have to do before he gets here. Just hoping that will keep my mind preoccupied before he lands.

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22 more hours! :D On the phone with him now and freaking out on how much stuff I have to do before he gets here. Just hoping that will keep my mind preoccupied before he lands.


Oh gosh how exciting! I can't wait until I can start counting down the hours instead of the days. :)


13 days for me, this time in 2 weeks I will be there! :laugh:

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dates are abit fluid at this point but it averages at about 75 days! :) You can't believe how comforting it is to have a date to look forward to.


The SO on the other hand doesn't share the same sentiment. I was uber excited about finding an extremely economical permutation to get his city and, we had this conversation


The Freckly One aka ME: so, with this permutation, I save $400-700USD


SO: Wow! That sounds great. So when are you going to book?


TFO: Um. well, actually I have to wait for a month before I estimate the tickets will go on sale. So, I can't be sure but it's quite likely.


SO: SOOOO. You got me excited for nothing!!!


TFO: caring is sharing!


SO: :(


Oops. I didn't mean to. I think I can work in airline reservations now.

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Oh gosh how exciting! I can't wait until I can start counting down the hours instead of the days. :)


13 days for me, this time in 2 weeks I will be there! :laugh:


It is, but I found not obsessing over the days we had left as much made them go by quicker. I couldn't sleep last night though cause I'm so excited he'll be here soon! And neither could my SO as he said he felt like a kid on Christmas Eve, lol. :D


dates are abit fluid at this point but it averages at about 75 days! :) You can't believe how comforting it is to have a date to look forward to.


The SO on the other hand doesn't share the same sentiment. I was uber excited about finding an extremely economical permutation to get his city and, we had this conversation


The Freckly One aka ME: so, with this permutation, I save $400-700USD


SO: Wow! That sounds great. So when are you going to book?


TFO: Um. well, actually I have to wait for a month before I estimate the tickets will go on sale. So, I can't be sure but it's quite likely.


SO: SOOOO. You got me excited for nothing!!!


TFO: caring is sharing!


SO: :(


Oops. I didn't mean to. I think I can work in airline reservations now.


You sound like me, lol. I always look and search for the most economical solution to tickets and dates and when I find a great deal I get super excited. My boyfriend on the other hand is more like "just book the tickets so we can see each other."

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22 more hours! :D On the phone with him now and freaking out on how much stuff I have to do before he gets here. Just hoping that will keep my mind preoccupied before he lands.


Hope you're having a great time together!! :love:


dates are abit fluid at this point but it averages at about 75 days! :) You can't believe how comforting it is to have a date to look forward to.


The SO on the other hand doesn't share the same sentiment. I was uber excited about finding an extremely economical permutation to get his city and, we had this conversation


The Freckly One aka ME: so, with this permutation, I save $400-700USD


SO: Wow! That sounds great. So when are you going to book?


TFO: Um. well, actually I have to wait for a month before I estimate the tickets will go on sale. So, I can't be sure but it's quite likely.


SO: SOOOO. You got me excited for nothing!!!


TFO: caring is sharing!


SO: :(


Oops. I didn't mean to. I think I can work in airline reservations now.


Glad you got a date planned!!!!!


15 days for me! :bunny:

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Hey Guys, I'm new here, been browsing through threads and didn't see any on countdowns so thought to post one.


How long till you see youR SO?


Mine is 98 days *relying on tourist visa*


Mine is 5 days. He will be here (NYC) for Valentines day and then go back to London. We actually started a blog about how we deal with the distance as well as sharing our everyday life. It's something I really recommend because it gives you a shared space even if your in different countries. Have a look http://www.khanwall.com/


I cant wait to see him again.... only 5 days away!!!

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Mine is 5 days. He will be here (NYC) for Valentines day and then go back to London. We actually started a blog about how we deal with the distance as well as sharing our everyday life. It's something I really recommend because it gives you a shared space even if your in different countries. Have a look http://www.khanwall.com/


I cant wait to see him again.... only 5 days away!!!


You're a stunning couple and I'm loving all of the pics! :)


It's my (really late) New Year's resolution to start one of my own. :p

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He just left this morning :( But in exactly 4 weeks I'll be seeing him again when I move to be with him. :D


Hope you had a great visit!


12 days pour moi.

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2 days till I fly to Boston to see him for a week...

52 days till he moves to Seattle to be with me...

241 days till we get married!!!! :love:

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22 days! Hmm.

We've been kind of disconnected lately though....don't know whether it's due to the fact that we miss each other, or what. But he's been VERY distant - nothing to worry about, mainly because he gets like this some time and he is still always talking about our future so I'm not to worried about it...It's just kind of annoying. He is just never 'in the mood' to talk or anything when I'm away....Ugh :mad: Just can't wait until we are no longer LD this summer :love: It'll be so amazing.

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mines the same way i asked him once and he told me because it's just not the same as when im home, he doesn't feel emotion texting through a cell phone, which is understandable. but anyway 9 MORE DAYS!!! :D

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