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Countdown - How long till you see your SO?

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250 days until the end of the long distance relationship.


If plans work out for a vacation to him in May, 49 days until I see him. I'll know by next week what my vacation plans are for May. It was Tokyo. Now I'm thinking Taipei and an awesome offer from an ex-girlfriend to let him and I use her guest house.




Since the events of last week and his leaving Japan for a short time, communication is less frequent and optimism is a little shattered, but that should pass once we establish routine again.

Edited by creighton0123
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4 days 4 days 4 days!! yyyyaaayy!!


So close! Hang in there!


The last few days have breezed by for me, as expected. I'm Off to the airport in < 6hrs.

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76 days still.


Today is our one year anniversary.:)




So close! Hang in there!


The last few days have breezed by for me, as expected. I'm Off to the airport in < 6hrs.


Hope you have a great trip :D

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Hey Guys, I'm new here, been browsing through threads and didn't see any on countdowns so thought to post one.


How long till you see youR SO?


Mine is 98 days *relying on tourist visa*


Hi all! I'm new here too, I'm just looking for some support, I'm struggling with my LDR.

My boyfriend got a job working on a ski resort for 5 months. He left on the 5th of December and gets back 28th of April meaning I have 36 days left!

It's nearly killed me but it's only a little over a month left!!

Anyone have any coping mechanisms for the loneliness? I know he loves me, he makes it clear (and doesn't just say it, he shows it), but sometimes I feel like I don't play a significant part in his life anymore! It's pretty crap, but like I said just a month and bit to go!

It's so unfair other people get to see him so much more often than me, Skype is so not enough! Haha, doesn't help I'm only 17, I'm too young for this ****! But he'll be back soon so it's all good!

Is it normal to feel so apart from him?


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So close! Hang in there!


The last few days have breezed by for me, as expected. I'm Off to the airport in < 6hrs.


Oh my gosh!! I bet you're so damn excited!

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2 more days!! sooooooo excited!!


and CharleyT (i think thats it) - coming here has helped me cope a lot! You only have a month left though, and its all over for you, so I think you're pretty lucky!! :D

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6 DAYS!!! I can't wait!! I miss him so much.. We only get 3 days together then he'll go back home, wont see each other for another 6-8weeks again.. BUT right now I'm not thinking about that, I'm thinking in 6 days I get to pick him up from the airport and finally kiss him again.. He's been the love of my life since I was 16 (that was A LONG time ago. lol :love:

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3 weeks today :) 2 weeks on Sunday I will be that bit closer to him, and an hour behind instead of five hours ahead, haha.

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I am leaving in less than 15 minutes!!!!! should take about 5 hours to drive there!! :bunny:


Hope you're having a great time together :love:

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Half a year, poor you :(


Only 19 days for you now though :bunny:



just 19 DAYS LEFT!!! XD

didn't see my SO for half a year, it was bloody painful :(

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Getting closer for everyone! Obviously.




LDRs, the one relationship which remind you that sometimes, time goes by really really slow.



I just booked my ticket! Taking the train in 5 days to go see SO! I even splurged and bought first class ticks (you get to drink for free!). :bunny::bunny:


(This has got to be the thread with the most hopping bunnies! :bunny:)

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Two weeks from this Friday, eee!


I am getting really quite scared for my work visit the week before now. I think the only thing that will be getting me through that week is knowing that at the end of it, I get to see my lovely for two whole weeks! :laugh:

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