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Countdown - How long till you see your SO?

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Well. I am back in this thread. :D I never thought I would. But yes, we got back together... for the 2nd time...... :rolleyes:


He's coming to see me in the middle of April, for about 2 weeks. This time he's doing it on his own vacation time, so he won't be working like in the past, when he was in my country. So I'll have him to myself allllll day long, for 2 weeks. heeeheeee. *naughty grin* :p


But no, the ticket has not been booked yet -- he said he will book it mid-February when he returns home from his work trip.... I am just hoping that he won't bail on me again... like he did in December... I worry that the tickets will get even more expensive than they already are.. It just seems that the world is conspiring against me right now... Tickets were so cheap for April when I checked a few weeks ago, before we got back together, and now they have become pretty expensive.... Not *too* expensive for him not to come, but I worry that they will get even more expensive by the time he books it...


We'll see. He has reassured me several times already that it will happen no matter what. Let's see if he lives up to his promise... he didn't last time... :rolleyes:


Can't wait for mid-April... :love:


On that note: all you LDR folks, I have a question: does your partner ever travel elsewhere for vacation/tourism? Would you feel hurt if he/she did that, instead of coming to visit you, considering that money and vacation time off work are what hinder you from seeing each other more often to begin with?


Keeping my fingers crossed for you. I understand your anxiety, especially because he's already bailed on you once. Also, last July I was anxious my bf would never book the tickets to come see me in December since he had voiced money issues but he managed to after all. I reckon you should simply trust him on this though. You guys getting back together means a lot I think so I'm positive about it.


Maybe you should start a new thread about the vacation time, I'd be interested to know what others have to say :)


But yeah, my bf went to Alaska for 2 weeks which was horrible since it was so hard to communicate. He either had no reception or the time difference would be too great. There was no skype because the connection was the worst. However, it was a trip he had planned even before we had met, really. So I couldn't say much.

He also went skiing in Colorado without me and yes I was jealous but it was OK.

He was supposed to go on a spring break trip with his soccer team and he hadn't told me about it. I saw someone commenting on his FB wall about it and it made me mad because he had promised me he would come see me for spring break. But I told him he could go with his team if he preferred that I wouldn't hold it against him. Turned out that he wanted to come see me but hadn't told his team yet because he's the captain so wanted to wait a little. And yes he's coming to see me in March (and I booked the ticket for him because instead of me going to see him I want him to come here once in a while too)


I guess I get jealous if he goes somewhere else without me or instead of coming to see me but on the other hand I encourage him to travel and see some new places. I want to let him have enough room to grow. However, he usually always wants to have me with him or he comes to see me as well before going on a different trip.

Edited by amayana
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Right now? four months. He lives in Turkey and I live in America. Both of us are counting down the days. We love each other so much <333

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4 months; he lives in Turkey and is currently in the Turkish army so as soon as he gets out I'm hopping on a plane and getting there asap :))) I love and miss him sooo much and I can't wait to see my bitanem again <3

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I had to cancel my last trip (over Christmas/New Year) because I was very poorly. It's taken four months but I'm now on the mend - and I got the "all clear to fly" from the specialist this morning! :bunny:


Sooooo.......it's been a very long 11 months, but only 10 days to go and we'll be together! :love::love:

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Sooooo.......it's been a very long 11 months, but only 10 days to go and we'll be together! :love::love:


Yay! I'm happy for you! You and your S/O did not see each other for almost a year?? :( I hope you get to enjoy every minute with each other! :D

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Yay! I'm happy for you! You and your S/O did not see each other for almost a year?? :( I hope you get to enjoy every minute with each other! :D


Thank you :)


Yes it's been a tough year for us in lots of ways. He was supposed to come over here in July but had to cancel because of work, then I was supposed to go out at the beginning of December but couldn't go because I was too ill.


Looks like it's all systems go this time though! :bunny:

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Just got off skype with my bf and now we have the dates! Just need to get the tickets now! April 10-19th hopefully! (have to be there at April 15th) So, only a couple of months! Now I'm excited!!!

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Fantastic!! You'll have an amazing time!! :)



I had to cancel my last trip (over Christmas/New Year) because I was very poorly. It's taken four months but I'm now on the mend - and I got the "all clear to fly" from the specialist this morning! :bunny:


Sooooo.......it's been a very long 11 months, but only 10 days to go and we'll be together! :love::love:

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Fantastic!! You'll have an amazing time!! :)


Thanks HOH - it will be fantastic - we are both bubbling over with excitement! :bunny::bunny:


Can't wait to see each other and counting down the days! Only 9 to go! :love::love:

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He's booked his flight and is coming on April 13. I was looking forward to this, but his strange behaviour today kinda put me off. :( I think he might 've cheated. :(

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It's 36 days until I see him. More importantly, today means 100 days until we close the distance!!!!!


Congratulations on closing the distance!! :) :)

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1 month and no more long distance, we have been apart 5 months.


I am so excited/nervous/anxious to see him, I am probably going to throw up once I do :sick::bunny::bunny::bunny:

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I have to say I am really happy for all those who are closing the distance with their loved ones. I really wish mine didn't have so many ups and downs, and that I could see the light at the end of this tunnel but right now we haven't got any plans to close the distance, and I don't even know if he wants to try.


Still, he is coming to visit me April 13-27, and I am just dreading that it might be the last time I get to see him, because I can't afford to travel at the moment (unless the ticket costs no more than $750-800, which it doesn't ). :(

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I have to say I am really happy for all those who are closing the distance with their loved ones. I really wish mine didn't have so many ups and downs, and that I could see the light at the end of this tunnel but right now we haven't got any plans to close the distance, and I don't even know if he wants to try.


Still, he is coming to visit me April 13-27, and I am just dreading that it might be the last time I get to see him, because I can't afford to travel at the moment (unless the ticket costs no more than $750-800, which it doesn't ). :(


He's still coming to see you? :confused:


Didn't you decide to dump him in your last thread? For being a jerk?

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