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Countdown - How long till you see your SO?

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Yup thats right scrapper......lol


And I am out of the double digits and into the singles.....


9 days to go......:bunny::bunny::bunny:

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22 hrs :( long story short... he had to rebook the flight.


Hey now, be happy :). The key word here is "hours"! And I'm sure it's even less time now! :bunny:

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About a week, if everything works out!!! :bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny:


ahh! *hugs!* and lots of :bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny:'s for you Elswyth!!! *crossing fingers for you!*

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ahh! *hugs!* and lots of :bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny:'s for you Elswyth!!! *crossing fingers for you!*


Thank you!!! :love::love::love::love:


My fingers are numb from all the crossing. :eek::p:laugh:

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I'll be back in Ireland in 46 days at best - although it might be a week or two longer, depending on when I can get off of work ):

Edited by VivaLaConfusion
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I'm going to hope and assume that he'll be here by June 1st. This will be our final countdown.


196 days.

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RC- Congrats! Can't wait until I can say for SURE what our final countdown will be. It's roughly a year until we move in together...if all goes according to plan...I hope.


But for now...countdown is at 21 days! :bunny:

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Congrats on the final countdown RC.



I will be seeing bear tomorrow at 8.30pm....how many hours?.......


33 HOURS TO GO:bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny:

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Lovin a scrapper

Yay Rolla :lmao:, Elswyth and Sue!!!!!!! Im so happy for you all!!!


Im still using Sues countdown method. Hey it works!!


59 days!!!!! Out of the 60's. :bunny:


Excitement is building fast!!!

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Lovin a scrapper

59 days!!!!! Out of the 60's. :bunny:



OMG!!!!! We may have yet another obstacle that may extend this. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

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195 days!!


I'm missing him more and more everyday. I'm so glad that everything is better between the two of us. :)


Scrapper, what's going on?

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Lovin a scrapper


Scrapper, what's going on?


Financial reasons of course. Its really frustrating but we will manage it fine. It should only set us back a month or so. We want to make sure that everything is solid before I move there.


Still though, when you have your heart set on a date and it falls through, its really a bummer.

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Ok seeing as how we don't have any flights booked yet, or do I know when our final move in date will be--I'm doing the wedding countdown. Actually for you and me both Rollerrcoaster!!


219 days until wedded bliss!!

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Lovin a scrapper

No more countdowns for me until Rayette and I am really sure when we are going to make it happen. :(:(:(:(:(

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